WATCH Dogs Attack Suspected Burglar in South Africa
A suspected burglar in Gansbaai, South Africa made the wrong choice when he tried to flee from a Neighbourhood Watch member by jumping into a back garden where two loyal guard dogs were on duty. The brave Neighbourhood Watch member was hot on the heels of the man who had fled across the rooftops after […]

A suspected burglar in Gansbaai, South Africa made the wrong choice when he tried to flee from a Neighbourhood Watch member by jumping into a back garden where two loyal guard dogs were on duty.

The brave Neighbourhood Watch member was hot on the heels of the man who had fled across the rooftops after being spotted leaving a house with bags of valuables under his arms.
The hunted man who had refused all calls to stop came to halt at the edge of a roof and realised the only thing between him and a clean getaway was these two big dogs in a back yard.
He was left in a dilemma to choose whether to leap out of the frying pan facing imminent citizen’s arrest or into the frying pan and risk the baying dogs below.
But he bit off more than he could chew when he chose to jump down into the garden and try to reach the back gate before the Boerboel/Rottweiler crosses could deliver justice.
This incredible video, that’s gone viral in and outside South Africa, shows the suspect leaping into the garden below as the home owner warns him from the rear door to stay where he is as his dogs are looking for blood.

The moment he hits the earth both powerful dogs are on him in an instant tearing at him with their fangs as he desperately tries to cover his face and throat from their jaws.
In the shocking 2 minute 22 second video the guard dogs can be seen launching a vicious attack on the intruder biting him all over his body tearing at his head, feet and arms.
Incredibly the man chasing the suspect realises there is nothing he can do and settles down to sit on the roof with a ringside seat to watch the suspect fighting for his life below.
The intruder desperately tries to fight the dogs off using a plastic pipe at one stage as the dogs take turns to attack him and then move in to bite him in tandem as he shouts for help.
The dogs tear his jumper from his back but he then recovers it and uses it to try to fend them off but the dogs keep rushing him and attacking from different directions and bite him.
Eventually the dog owner hiding behind a mesh back door manages to get some control over the dogs and calls them off as the Neighbourhood Watch hero moves to a position on the wall.
When a second neighbour, hearing all the screaming, hammers on the garden gate and gets shouted at to come in both men rush the intruder and roll him over onto his stomach.
They pin his arms behind his back and make a citizens arrest and await the local police.
Local Neighbourhood Watch spokesman Hugh-Daniel Grobler said: “This guy on our team saw him coming out of a house he didn’t live in with bags of stuff and challenged him.
“The guy threw everything to the ground and ran, and he chased the man who went onto the top of a number of properties until he jumped into a garden with guard dogs” he said,
Western Cape police spokesman Colonel Andre Traut said: “The dogs attacked the suspect until the owner of the dogs came to his rescue and took the guard dogs away from him”.
He confirmed the suspect had numerous bite injuries to his arms and legs and body.
Colonely Traut added: “The suspect was arrested on a charge of housebreak and theft and he was taken to the medical centre where he received medical attention to his wounds”.
Another neighbour told local media: “The guy had a lot of blood coming from bites to his forearms and hands and from his feet and lower legs and to his back and his buttocks”.
The Intelligence Bureau SA video has gone viral with over 9000 views in just 48 hours with Sakhiwo Faku saying on their Facebook page: “Let me buy the dogs steak for six months!”
Anthony Nelson said:”Love the dude on the roof who says I’ll hang back until my buddies have taken the heat then when the situation has chilled I’ll make my move – teamwork!”
Juanita De Bruyn said: “Give those dogs a treat. Well done! They did not tear the man apart but rather attacked in a way that tired out the robber – what very smart canines”.
Puthuma Temele said: “Must go and buy that 50kg of food for them I love these dogs!”
The owner of the dogs declined to comment. The alleged house breaker is due in court later today.
WATCH VIDEO: Suspected burglar attacked by dogs in Gansbaai, South Africa