Buck Sprints Into Jaws of Danger as Starving Lions Pounce
It’s bad enough finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time… but this poor buck actually sprinted into the jaws of danger when it ran into this starving pride of lions. According to Kruger Sightings, which uploaded the video a few days ago, the footage was filmed by Hannes Beeslar (25), a teacher […]
It’s bad enough finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time… but this poor buck actually sprinted into the jaws of danger when it ran into this starving pride of lions.
According to Kruger Sightings, which uploaded the video a few days ago, the footage was filmed by Hannes Beeslar (25), a teacher at Bergvlam Hoerskool in Nelspruit, during a hot day in the Kruger National Park.
And the buck probably stood no chance. Beeslar said it was actually being chased by two male lions who had gone into the bush. (They later chased the lionesses away to enjoy their own feast.)