Here are a few tips to help anxious flyers. Image: canva

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Five flight tips for people with anxiety

For people with anxiety, travelling comes with its own set of challenges. Here are five top tips to help you get through that flight…

17-07-24 16:37
Here are a few tips to help anxious flyers. Image: canva

Flying can be a stressful experience for many, especially for those who struggle with anxiety. The combination of crowded spaces, unfamiliar environments, and lack of control can only amplify anxious feelings. There are, however a few ways to help manage anxiety and have a more comfortable flight. Here are five top tips…

Plan ahead

Planning is crucial for reducing anxiety. By familiarizing yourself with the flight details, airport layout, and security procedures, you can alleviate some of the uncertainty that contributes to anxiety.

Before your trip, take time to understand your flight itinerary, including the departure and arrival times, terminal information, and any layovers. Knowing what to expect can help reduce last-minute stress.

You can also pack your carry-on with essential items such as medications, snacks, and comfort items like a favourite book or a travel pillow. Having these items readily available can provide a sense of security.

You should also give yourself plenty of time to navigate through security and find your gate. Arriving early can prevent the rush and chaos that can trigger anxiety.

Practice relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation are great tools for managing anxiety during a flight. Practice deep breathing to calm your nerves. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. This can help regulate your breathing and reduce anxiety.

You can also engage in mindfulness or meditation to stay present and centered. Focus on your breathing or listen to a guided meditation to distract yourself from anxious thoughts.

Stay hydrated and eat well

Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition can significantly impact how you feel during a flight. Drink plenty of water before and during the flight to stay hydrated, as dehydration can exacerbate anxiety and physical discomfort.

You can also bring nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and granola bars to maintain your energy levels and avoid the temptation of unhealthy airport food. You should also try and avoid caffeine and alcohol as these can increase anxiety.

Bring distractions

Keeping your mind occupied can also help distract you from anxiety and make the flight more enjoyable. Load your devices with movies, music, or audiobooks, as having a variety of entertainment options can keep you engaged throughout the flight.

You can also bring a book, puzzle, or colouring book to keep your mind busy. Noise-cancelling headphones are also a great way to block out the noise of the plane and create a more peacful environment.

Inform the flight crew

You should also let the flight attendants know about your anxiety. They are trained to assist passengers with various needs and can offer support. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed, such as a change of seat or extra support. The flight crew is there to ensure your comfort and safety.