Old Friends Reuniting Success Stories
Send us your stories of how you’ve reunited with old friends, school crushes and relatives through SAReunited. Or how you’ve made new friends and contacts on the site. Your story may be published on this page AND used in magazines, TV and radio interviews. Inspire others to join – so we can all find each […]

Send us your stories of how you’ve reunited with old friends, school crushes and relatives through SAReunited. Or how you’ve made new friends and contacts on the site. Your story may be published on this page AND used in magazines, TV and radio interviews. Inspire others to join – so we can all find each other more easily!
Email us your success stories and let us know if you have any photos too.
Ek het Rosy Bezuidenhoud opgepoor deur SAReunited. Ons het begin gesels en dit is die eerste keer in amper 20 jaar ons was saam op Laerskool De Beer in Welverdiend beste vriende was. Ek het kontak met al my vriende verloor in Suid Afrika. Ek is tans in Amerika en ek beplan n trip in november hierdie jaar. Hoop ek en Rosy kan n plan maak om mekaar te ontmoet weer na 20 jaar. Ek probeer om kontak te maak met al my ou skool maats. Groot asseblief, kontak my, ek verlang vreeslik terug Suid Afrika toe maar ek is gelukkig in die USA. Baie dankie aan SAReunited.”
How amazing is this site. I had this nagging feeling to see what’s going on with Hillview High in Pretoria. You know how great it was to see the names of all the guys I used to go to school with? TO ALL OF YOU MATRIC OF 1995, WHATS HAPPENING? It’s been long since I have seen anyone from back home. Miss the sun, friendly people and not to mention miss having a tan. Considering that I might not be going back any time soon I would like to see what’s happening with everyone. I see you, Mr G Bowman, are also registered. Still keeping out of trouble? Hope to hear from you all soon.
Christina, UK
After losing touch with my friend Sally 21 years ago I finally got in touch with her through SAReunited. I submitted my details at 10pm on Saturday night and by 10.30am Sunday morning I was on the phone to her at her new home in New Zealand. Thank you!
I’m very pleased to say that because of SAReunited I’ve been re-united with a friend that moved to Australia 21yrs ago, and with other friends who still live in SA. Thank you for a wonderful website.
Michelle Bowers
Thank you so much SAReunited. I left school in 1987 in std 7 to go sailing with my folks and lost contact with all my friends in South Africa. Now 18 years later and living in Canada, a friend from the UK told me about this web site. I went on and immediately found my best friend from primary school. I emailed her and the next day we spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone catching up. She told me that she had put her name on the SAReunited Site hoping that I would find her. I can not thank you enough. I am going to tell every South African I know about this site.
Sandy, Canada
Read more members’ letters: Star Confessions