Confessions from School Days
Do you have a secret from schooldays that you’ve been dying to get off your chest? Well be our guest! Here’s your outlet to confess all! Email us your confessions and let us know if you have any photos too. I have a confession to make, in Std 7 in our home economics class we […]

I have a confession to make, in Std 7 in our home economics class we were making Pizza, our teacher was really weird and hadn’t counted the right amount of cheese that needed to be cut and cut short, so when it was my turn there was a big block of cheese so I cut it into pieces. Well she started looking for this big block that she knew she had. I didn’t confess and eventually the principal was called in and searched all our bags. I never did tell anyone that I had cut the cheese. Anyway we were kept after school because she wanted to know who stole the cheese. I mean really, who would steal the cheese? ha ha. We never did cook that lesson.
It was 1992 at Barkly House Teachers Training College in Cape Town. I stayed in the co-ed dorm with about 20 other girls and boys. The Res was run by the fearsome Mrs Gough who fed us our dinner at 5:45 everyday and would not allow us to keep food, irons, toasters or kettles in our rooms. On one freezing winter’s evening, after a spartan dinner of two pork sausages and a tablespoonful of mashed potatoes each, K and I (along with a few other accomplices) decided to break into the kitchen, steal the freezer keys and open up the freezer and find the hidden cache of food we knew she the old woman must be hoarding. But the keys didn’t fit. So we tried our room keys – and mine got stuck in the door. Luckily I had a spare. The next day there was an inquest (nobody owned up) and the locksmith came and opened the freezer and put a thick padlock on it!
My hele skool loopbaan by JG Strijdom in Suid Heuwels Johannesburgwas ek absoluut mal oor Willem F.Tot vandag meer as 10 jaar later het ek nogsteeds n “crush” op hom. Ek glo nie hy weet dit nie, miskien weet hy tog, want as hy wel 2 en 2 bymekaar sit sal hy weet wie ek is ! Ek dink hy was absoluut koel en “adorable” en “stunning”- ai as hy maar net weet!
I was in Hillview High School, Pretoria, I had a friend who was very much in love with me, his name was Leslie. He would treat me like a queen and spoil me rotten. Being young, I didn’t appreciate it and I treated him terribly. Last I heard he was living in America and is happily married, but I would just like to let him know that I am really sorry for what I did to him, and that I think he was a wonderful person and I’m sure his wife appreciates him. Hope he can forgive me!
Only the guys that were taught by Mr Nqabeni (Afrikaans) in 1998 will remember this. Remember the Mamoet story he taught us and someone conveniently wrote “Mr Nqabeni is ‘n Mamout” on the board. The guy hit everyone and when I say he hit everyone up, I mean he gave 4 slashes to all five of the classes he taught at the time. That someone who made that joke was none other than yours truly. Don’t be angry with me, had I told him you guys would have hated me back then and my life would have been hell. Poor Mr Nqabeni died a week later, God bless his young soul.