School Confessions
Do you have a secret from schooldays that you’ve been dying to get off your chest? Well be our guest! Here’s your outlet to confess all! Email us your confessions and let us know if you have any photos too. Ek is gelukkig getroud en kon nie vir ‘n beter man vra nie. Ek hethom […]

Ek is gelukkig getroud en kon nie vir ‘n beter man vra nie. Ek hethom onsettend lief. Maar daar bly altyd van ‘n mens se hart by die 1st liefde. Al doen jy wat ookal. Ek dink gereeld aan my eerste liefde en hy het onlangs my in die hande gekry om te hoor hoe dit gaan. Hy heterken dat hy ‘n fout gemaak het om my deur sy vingers te glip. Ek droom van hom. Soos drome met hom in. Dit is “freaky”. Hy is so baie in my gedagtes. Soms voel ek skuldig dat ek so aan hom dink. Hy het my baie seer gemaak en soms wonder ek wat ek verkeerd gedoen het. Te minste het hy jammer gese vir dit wat hy gedoen het. Ek mis hom soms. Maar dan kyk ek vir my klein babatjie en besef. Ek is gelukkig getroud!
It was 1998, at Westham Secondary School and I was going through the rebellion stage. Skipping classes, the fence and school. So yes it was a good year. Anyway, there was this one girl in my class-S.I. that my friends and I used to torture. We used to call her ‘Porky’. (Not nice, but it was hilariously funny at that time). I would actually like to sincerely apologize for my behavior…….And that of my friends. So if you are reading this S.I., I AM SORRY.
In 1985 I was in Std 5 Laerskool Edenvale, a nice little conservative Afrikaans school. I was in love – with C – and one day we discovered the joy of playing footsie with each other under the desks in one of our classes. My heart rate immediately went sky high when she brushed her leg against mine, and I blushed as red as a stop sign, but I kept my leg up against hers, and she did not move away! I wonder how the teacher never caught on to what we were doing. We would blush and smile for no apparent reason. Once I even sneaked my hand onto her thigh, and I had never felt such soft skin. It was so deliciously forbidden and yet so innocent at the same time. Things might have gone further…but then we moved to different schools in Std 6. I’d like to apologise to our poor teacher for using his class to get our kicks! We never did learn a damn thing he was trying to teach!
I met him through some friends and fell deeply in love with him from the time I first saw him. Today he is married with two kids and has moved from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth. He swears he will not come back, but I still love him deeply. I am so sorry that we did not go further than just necking, I should have, the signs were there from your side, but because I was a good girl I ignored them. I think we could have been good together. Sheikes I love you more than words can ever explain. Good luck to you and your family. I hope we meet someday and that someday when the pages of my life end that you will be one of its most beautiful chapters & if ever i get to read it again, I will open it from the page that we became lovers.
I remember this pretty girl back in primary school, in KwaZulu-Natal, who always kept to herself and never bothered anyone. I never took any notice of her back then, and we lost contact after we finished grade 7 back in 1997. For about two years now, I have been thinking about her and wondering where she is today and what she is up to. I realise now that I am in love with her and am hoping to meet up with her in the near future, wherever she may be.
Mark B, Escombe Primary