Confessions from School
Do you have a secret from schooldays that you’ve been dying to get off your chest? Well be our guest! Here’s your outlet to confess all! Email us your confessions and let us know if you have any photos too. I matriculated in 1993 and I was in love with a girl named Bavisha. I […]

I matriculated in 1993 and I was in love with a girl named Bavisha. I know that she is married now…problem is I am still in love with her. For Bavisha: If you ever read this I am sure you’ll know who I am. The last time I saw you, you were absolutely mesmerizing but I stayed in the shadows because I didn’t want you to see me. You will always have a place in my heart.
Back in 1986 at Dupute Primary School, there was a girl in my class called HM. She was beautiful and intelligent. She was the only girl who made it to the Top 10 in our class. I had a thing for her and still do but I could not tell her. Because I was still young and inexperienced I used to bully her instead of sharing my feelings with her. I hope one day I’ll be able to tell her this. HM – if you come across this confession – know that you are still valued.
It was 1987 and I did Std. 5 at Atholton Primary, Umhlanga Rocks. Coming from an all boys school for years it was a shock to suddenly be placed into a co-ed school. Nevertheless, I made new friends and enjoyed my year. There was one special girl that I have never forgotten to this day, Shirley – beautiful girl with long flowing blonde/fair hair. I saw her occasionally during high school but never progressed further than seeing her. It is 20 years on and I still think about her, I would really love to make contact with her. Maybe soon I would like to put a success story to follow this confession in the near future.
I always had a crush on Audrey. She was always honest with me and accepted me for the faults that she thought I had. I had other girlfriends at school but she was the only person that told me what the other girls said about me. As they say, with age comes wisdom; now I understand why, or at least I hope I know why. I think about it now, if I knew that Audrey was single I would want to see her on a more regular basis. The day I was watching Audrey practicing her drummies routine and she saw me watching her and smiled back at me, that stands out so clearly that I feel that I can reach out and touch her and hear her laugh. The last I heard from Audrey was in 1991 & that she was in the US and married. I so regret how stupid I was.
Ek was St.6 in Hoerskool Klerksdorp…1999, ek het ‘n ongelooflike crush op Shaun Oostuizen gehad. Maar ek was so skaam en onervare dat ek nie eers net met hom kon vriende wees en beter leer ken het nie. My hart het darem geklop as ek hom gesien het by die nette krieket oefen..(hy was in die krieket akedemie) as ons meisies huishoudkunde gehad het wat naby die nette gelee was. Swart hare en die mooiste blou oe wat ek nog ooit gesien het. Hy het ‘n scar op die een kant van sy ken gehad en dit het hom net meer desirable gemaak…Ai jai jai…toe trek ek oorsee…en dit het ‘n tydjie gevat om op te hou om ander ouens met hom te vergelyk…want ek wou ‘n Shaun Oostuizen in my lewe gehad het. Maar eks gelukkig verloofd nou, daai herhinneringe is diep in my hart diep diep gebere…