can cats eat eggplants

What should I do if my elderly cat won’t eat?

By Lisa Greyson 18-07-23 10:06

It can be concerning when your elderly cat loses interest in food all of a sudden. A decrease in appetite can be a sign of illness and may warrant a visit to the vet. If your elderly cat stops eating for over 24 hours or experiences weight loss, it is advisable to book an emergency […]

dogs ears

Why dogs pin their ears back

By Lisa Greyson 18-07-23 09:31

Understanding our dog’s behavior helps us understand their communication. One common behavior is when dogs pin their ears back. Usually, this happens because of fear, but there can be other reasons for it as well. Recognizing this behavior allows us to respond appropriately and protect both our dogs and ourselves. Do you have a pet video or […]

dogs ears

Why is my dog shaking?

By Lisa Greyson 18-07-23 09:30

Dogs shaking, trembling, or shivering is common, but it can be concerning if the cause is unknown. There are several reasons why a dog might shake, and most of them are not serious. However, it’s helpful to troubleshoot at home to determine if your dog needs to visit a veterinarian. If you want to understand […]

cats play with tail

Is it normal for a cat to play with its tail?

By Lisa Greyson 14-07-23 12:04

Unlike dogs, cats aren’t commonly associated with chasing their own tails. So, when a cat starts playing with or chasing their tail, it can be surprising. ALSO READ: How to know if your cat is suffering from dehydration Is it normal for a cat to engage in tail play, or could it indicate something else? The […]

Can corgis make good service dogs?

By Lisa Greyson 14-07-23 11:40

The Corgi is a highly intelligent, alert, and determined breed known for its distinctive silhouette. There are two types of Corgis: the Cardigan and the Pembroke Welsh, both of which excel as service animals. Typically, the most compatible individuals and these trained service dogs are matched. Commonly, this is carried out by organizations created especially for this. ALSO READ: Is my […]

Once-a-day feeding for dogs

Should you feed your dog insect-based food?

By Lisa Greyson 14-07-23 11:27

Does the idea of eating a cricket or grasshopper make you feel queasy? Despite the initial aversion, many bugs are packed with protein. While you may not be inclined to eat bugs, your dog might be! Insect-based pet food has become available in certain markets. ALSO READ: Healthy Doggy Meal Plans: High thiamine foods for your […]

best dog movies

Tips for socialising with an adult dog

By Lisa Greyson 14-07-23 09:49

Socialisation plays a crucial role in dog development. Unfortunately, some puppies miss out on proper socialisation for various reasons. This can lead to anxiety in dogs when encountering people, other dogs, animals, or new situations. It’s never too late to socialize an adult dog, but it’s important to proceed gradually. ALSO READ: Best dogs for first-time pet owners […]

best dog movies

Is my dog anti-social?: How to know

By Lisa Greyson 13-07-23 09:00

Owning a dog allows you to interact with other dog owners and make new friends. However, some dogs may display anti-social behavior that can impact social interactions. It’s important to recognize that not all anti-social behavior is harmless. How your dog reacts to situations, people, or other animals can affect the overall experience. It can […]

dogs on airplane

Meal Plan: Easy chicken recipe for your dog

By Lisa Greyson 13-07-23 08:42

A good meal plan is important for animals, just like it is for humans. Proper nutrition helps animals maintain a strong immune system to fight off infections. Chicken is a healthy food option for dogs when cooked correctly. If you want to learn how to cook chicken for your dog, stick around. ALSO READ: How to stop […]

Tips for a fun dog walk in the rain

By Lisa Greyson 12-07-23 12:46

When it’s raining and your dog needs to go out, proper planning and adaptability are key. Prepare ahead of time by having the necessary gear, such as a waterproof leash and a towel for this fun dog walk. Stay positive and enthusiastic, even if you’re not thrilled about going out in the rain. ALSO READ: Can […]

cats hold grudges

Furry fun fact: Do cats have sweat glands?

By Lisa Greyson 12-07-23 12:20

Welcome, fellow pet enthusiasts to today’s furry fun fact! Pets can do all sorts of crazy – and wonderful – things, can’t they? We bet you discover new things about them on a daily basis. Have you ever heard of a singing dog for example? Join SA People as we set out to learn fascinating – and often humourous […]

cats play with tail

Can cats fall in love with each other?

By Lisa Greyson 12-07-23 11:24

The topic of love between animals has been debated by philosophers for centuries. It can be challenging to define what it looks like to fall in love even among humans, let alone CATS! Cats and dogs are capable of experiencing emotions and feelings. ALSO READ: Should I get my kids an older dog or a puppy? […]

cute pet video

How to know if your cat is dehydrated

By Lisa Greyson 12-07-23 10:43

Cats, despite being independent, often don’t drink enough water. Their ancestors obtained hydration mainly from prey in the desert. Domestic cats’ diets are not always moisture-rich, increasing the need for water. However, their natural drive to drink more remains unchanged. ALSO READ: Why is my cat growling all the time? Mild dehydration in cats is usually […]

dogs hearing senses

Can dogs die from separation anxiety?

By Lisa Greyson 12-07-23 10:14

Separation anxiety, or separation distress, can cause significant emotional distress for dogs when they are separated from their owners. It can lead to destructive and unwanted behaviors that can worsen the problem and put the dog’s life at risk. ALSO READ: Is my cat happy with me? While separation anxiety itself may not be fatal, it […]

Dog breeds

Can wolves and dogs cross-breed?

By Lisa Greyson 12-07-23 09:16

Breeds of dogs like the Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, and Siberian Husky resemble wolves, but they are not actually part wolf. Wolves and dogs share a common ancestor but diverged thousands of years ago. Despite their differences, they can still mate and produce offspring. In the United States alone, there are an estimated 300 000 […]

dogs on airplane

Should I get my kids an older dog or a puppy?

By Lisa Greyson 11-07-23 19:15

You might believe that a puppy or kitten would be safer than an older dog if you have young children. This may be because they are smaller and will fit into your home more easily. This isn’t always the case. Young animals are delicate and easily hurt, especially if you have curious children around. ALSO […]

How to stop your dog from biting you

By Lisa Greyson 11-07-23 17:00

Having a dog that engages in non-aggressive biting can become tiring and frustrating. This behavior is common in puppies, but if not discouraged, adult dogs can deliver harsh bites. Teaching your pet to stop biting can be challenging, especially if they were not trained as puppies. ALSO READ: Can all dogs swim? Before addressing the behavior, […]

Can excessive barking hurt my dog?

By Lisa Greyson 11-07-23 16:22

Barking is a dog’s way of communicating and expressing emotions.Can excessive barking hurt my dog? While an uncontrolled, sharp, and persistent bark can be annoying to humans, it is normal for dogs. If you have a dog that barks incessantly, you may have questions about this behavior. ALSO READ: Can dogs fake injuries? Do dogs get […]

dog owner

Can dogs fake injuries?

By Lisa Greyson 11-07-23 11:43

Dogs can fake injuries to manipulate their owners. They are intelligent, intuitive, and occasionally mischievous creatures. In this exploration, we delve into the fascinating world of dogs and their deceptive behavior with faux injuries. ALSO READ: 4 cutest cat breeds in South Africa – do you own one? Dogs have a remarkable ability to mimic behaviors […]

cats hold grudges

The four cutest cat breeds in South Africa

By Lisa Greyson 10-07-23 14:47

Beauty is subjective, but certain cat breeds are often considered exceptionally cute. Here are 4 of the cutest cat breeds in South Africa to help you find your perfect feline companion. ALSO READ: How to deal with aggressive dogs on the street 1. BIRMAN Image: Omar Ram/Unsplash The Birman cat is known for its polite nature […]

How to deal with aggressive dogs on the street

By Lisa Greyson 10-07-23 12:39

Interacting with stray or curious dogs can be an adventurous experience. Encountering an aggressive dog, however, can be intimidating. Don’t worry! We have tips to help you navigate these situations safely. ALSO READ: Understanding pet allergies: How to know if you’re allergic HOW TO SPOT AGGRESSIVE DOGS Growling or baring teeth are clear signs of aggression […]

Can I feed my dog chicken nuggets?

By Lisa Greyson 07-07-23 14:20

Dogs should not eat chicken nuggets on a regular basis. Occasional consumption of these treats is generally safe for dogs. However, consistently eating chicken nuggets is harmful to dogs’ health. They contain high levels of fat and other ingredients that are detrimental to dogs’ bodies. While not toxic, long-term consumption of chicken nuggets can have negative effects […]

pet snakes

Do pet snakes hibernate during winter?

By Lisa Greyson 07-07-23 12:50

Snakes do not hibernate but they do become less active during winter. Instead of hibernation, snakes undergo a process called brumation. Brumation is similar to hibernation and occurs during the coldest months of the year. ALSO READ: What are the most popular pets in South Africa? During brumation, pet snakes experience a significant reduction in activity. Snakes instinctively seek […]

Goldfish: Freshwater Fish vs. Saltwater Fish Pets

How to feed pet fish while on vacation

By Lisa Greyson 07-07-23 12:31

Pet owners need to prepare their animals before going on vacation. Fish are low-maintenance pets, but they still need to be fed while you’re away. There are different options for feeding fish during vacations. Here we’ll discuss the available options, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to prepare beforehand. ALSO READ: How do you deal with an aggressive […]

cats hold grudges

Why cats eyes glow at night

By Lisa Greyson 07-07-23 12:07

Cat eyes may appear shiny and glowing in the dark. This can sometimes give a creepy feeling, resembling a scene from a horror film. However, the glowing eyes are simply caused by the cat peering at you in the darkness. The glow is due to light reflecting off the tapetum lucidum, a structure in their eyes, and not […]

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