Zizi Kodwa corruption
Kodwa steps aside from ANC’s NEC & NWC duties amid corruption allegations. Image: Twitter@SpringsNews

Home » Zizi Kodwa and co-accused appear in court for corruption

Zizi Kodwa and co-accused appear in court for corruption

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa and former EOH boss Jehan Mackay are appearing in court. Here’s the latest.

05-06-24 13:55
Zizi Kodwa corruption
Kodwa steps aside from ANC’s NEC & NWC duties amid corruption allegations. Image: Twitter@SpringsNews

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa is appearing at the Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes Court alongside businessman Jehan Mackay. He was arrested and charged with fraud and corruption.

The R1.7 million corruption allegations stem from his time as the African National Congress (ANC) spokesperson and National Executive Committee (NEC) member.


During the State Capture Commission, Steven Powell – of ENSAfrica – said that forensic research by his financial investigations company uncovered R2 million in kickbacks, which flowed to Kodwa from EOH.

Kodwa said some of this money was merely for a ‘personal loan’.

Around half of the total, roughly R1 million, was gifted to Zizi Kodwa – even though the payment was noted as an ANC donation. With his new seven-figure windfall, the former party spokesperson said he spent R890 000 on a new jeep.

In his report released in April 2022, State Capture Commission Chair, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo recommended that President Cyril Ramaphosa should consider Zizi Kodwa’s then position as deputy minister. Instead Kodwa was promoted to Sport, Arts and Culture Minister.

“The commission recommends that the president consider Mr Kodwa’s position as deputy state security minister. About the fact that Mr Kodwa appears to find himself in a position where he is beholden by Mr Jehan Mackay,” Zondo stated in his report.

“Mr Kodwa is beholden by Mr Jehan Mackay, to whom he owes more than R1.7 million. On his version. This is a debt which he cannot immediately repay.”


Meanwhile, the Directorate for Priority Crime and Investigation (DPCI) also known as the Hawks confirmed that Kodwa and Mackay handed themselves over on Wednesday morning at the Bramley Police Station.

The two handed themselves over to the members of the  Hawks’ multi-disciplinary State Capture Task Team resorting in Serious Corruption Investigation environment, after granted warrants of arrest were issued on Tuesday, 4 June.

Hawks spokesperson Brigadier Thandi Mbambo said Kodwa and Mackay face charges relating to the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act.

Mbambo said after the State Capture Commission released the fourth report in June 2022, where several recommendations required that law enforcement agencies should institute criminal investigations, the National Head of the DPCI, established a State Capture task team to investigate identified matters.

“Amongst those recommendations, was a case involving an entity which specializes in the provision of technology services to businesses, IT services, systems integration, software, industrial technology and business process outsourcing received tenders from various Government departments,” she explained.

Zizi Kodwa Jehan Mackay
Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa. Image: ANC

National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya has welcomed the arrest.

Lebeya said that the work of the DPCI investigators assigned to the State Capture Task Team and the Advocates from the NPA is commendable.

“The arrest of the two today bring the total number of those arrested by the DPCI in matters relating to State Capture to 29 which includes 21 natural persons and eight juristic persons. The work is continuing. 

“The other members of the DPCI shall continue to work with the Investigating Directorate Against Corruption in matters that are handled by that entity,” he said.