UPDATE: SASSA Old Age grants for the 2024 festive season
We bring you the latest on SASSA festive season Old Age grants 2024, including exciting news about increases in the New Year and more …

The agency is advising recipients of the 2024 SASSA festive season Old Age grants to manage their funds carefully and make them last until the New Year. Because, this week’s final payment (Tuesday 3 December), was the last of the SASSA festive season Old Age grants 2024. Therefore, restraint and good financial planning is key if beneficiaries hope to survive to the next payment date in January 2025.
Moreover, the ongoing uncertainty over leadership at the South African Social Security Agency cannot be underestimated. The minister of social development has just suspended the SASSA CEO, with full pay, pending an investigation. At the same time, the Public Protector is raising a ‘myriad of serious issues’ into the governance of SASSA.
The December holidays are meant to be a time of celebration and family coming together. However, what if you are not even on the social welfare system? Let’s quickly run through the eligibility SASSA festive season Old Age grants 2024. The agency is entrusted to protect all elderly residents – over the age of 60 – who have served the country but no longer have sufficient financial means to support themselves on a daily basis.
Critically, SASSA festive season Old Age grants 2024 require applicants to pass an asset and means test. Not just anyone who applies for social welfare will receive the monthly stipend. You have to prove to the agency that you’re sufficiently underprivileged. So, let’s go through the qualifying criteria, explain how much pensioners receive each month, and share the positive news about grants in 2025.
There are 19 million ‘core’ grant recipients in South Africa. Of these, Older Person beneficiaries make up roughly four million. After this week, they will next be paid out on Friday 3 January 2025. Beneficiaries aged 60 to 74 receive R2 190 and recipients aged 75 and older receive R2 210. If you’re thinking of applying, you should note that applications take upwards of three months to process. The reason for this is the agency and Department of Home Affairs’ must cross-reference all data before approval.
However, the good news is, if successful, you will receive backdated funds from the date of your application. So, who is eligible and how do you apply? Firstly, only residents 60 years of age or older may do so, and this applies to not just citizens but all legal dwellers in South Africa.
Your application must be done at a SASSA office or branch. However, a new SASSA online services portal does allow you to make an appointment online HERE, beforehand. Once on the system, you will have to present the following documents and biometric data in-person:
- Official bar-coded identity document (ID) – smart card or green booklet.
- Documents proving your marital status.
- A proof of residence (a utility bill with your name on it qualifies).
- Confirmation of your proof of income and/or financial dividends.
- Any relevant information regarding your assets, including a valuation of any property you own.
- Declaration of any private pension in your name (if applicable).
- Valid three months’ statements certified by your bank (not more than three months old).
- Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) membership book, or discharge certificate from your previous employer.
- A copy of your will, and first and final liquidation and distribution accounts if your spouse has passed away in the last five years.
All of the above is required so the agency can confirm your income and validity for a government pension. SASSA officials need to see that you adhere to the following income and asset limits:
- R8 070 per month (R96 840 per year) if single.
- R16 140 per month (R193 680 per year) if married.
- Total assets declared must not exceed R1 372 800 if single.
- Assets not valued higher than R2 745 600 if married.
If you’re old, sick or live in a remote area, you can get a family member or loved one to help with your application. Simply provide them with a letter explaining why you cannot apply yourself. Then, all of the above documentation must be taken to a police station and certified by a commissioner of oaths.
Make note of the remaining SASSA payment dates before the next increase in April 2025:
- Older Persons Grants: Friday 3 January 2025.
- Disability Grants: Monday 6 January 2025.
- Children’s Grants: Tuesday 7 January 2025.
- Older Persons Grants: Tuesday 4 February 2025.
- Disability Grants: Wednesday 5 February 2025.
- Children’s Grants: Thursday 6 February 2025.
MARCH 2025
- Older Persons Grants: Tuesday 4 March 2025.
- Disability Grants: Wednesday 5 March 2025.
- Children’s Grants: Thursday 6 March 2025.
*The agency reminds beneficiaries that payments may take 2-3 days to reflect in your bank account.
The National Treasury approved a R2.7-billion increase in social welfare spending for 2025. This brings the provisioned amount to R330 billion for next year. And although there is no official word on what the grant increases will be in April 2025, you can click HERE to read about our expert prediction. And contact the agency below:
- SASSA toll-free line: 0800 601 011
- Head Office of SASSA: 012 400 2322
- Email SASSA: grantsenquiries@SASSA festive season.gov.za
- Or email: president@presidency.gov.za