African countries with the strongest military. Images by rawpixel and Wikimedia Commons (adapted)

Home » Top 5 African military forces in 2024: South Africa takes fifth place

Top 5 African military forces in 2024: South Africa takes fifth place

Below are the top five African nations with the strongest military in 2024, with Egypt leading and South Africa in fifth position.

African countries with the strongest military. Images by rawpixel and Wikimedia Commons (adapted)

The strength of military forces is determined by factors like troop numbers, budget, and the utilization of military technology. By focusing on cutting-edge technologies, forming strategic defence alliances, and implementing modern training programmes, many African nations are ensuring that their military forces stay competitive worldwide.

Following are the top five African countries with the most powerful military in 2024, with South Africa ranking fifth on the list.

The significance of military power

Africa is a continent rich in diversity, culture, and history, but it is also a region where military power plays a critical role in ensuring national security, stability, and regional influence. Several African countries have made significant investments in strengthening their armed forces, modernising equipment, and enhancing military training.

Leading nations such as Egypt, Nigeria, and Algeria are at the forefront, while countries like Angola and Ethiopia also hold significant regional power.

Top five African countries with strong military

1. Egypt

The Egyptian Armed Forces are among the largest in the world. They are well-equipped with advanced American and Russian-made military hardware, according to The African Exponent. Egypt’s military influence extends beyond Africa into the Middle East, making it a key regional power. It has over 400 000 active military personnel, modern fighter jets, and also advanced naval and missile systems.

2. Nigeria

Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, boasts a formidable military force. Markedly, it plays a critical role in West African security. With significant investments in military hardware, Nigeria’s military is one of the largest and most active on the continent.

The Nigerian military has over 223 000 active personnel, modern equipment, and also extensive experience in counterterrorism.

3. Algeria

Algeria’s military is one of the most powerful and well-funded on the African continent. Benefiting from the country’s vast oil and gas revenues, the Algerian People’s National Army (ANP) has invested heavily in state-of-the-art military equipment. Algeria also has one of the largest defence budgets in Africa.

4. Morocco

Morocco has consistently strengthened its military through partnerships with the United States, France, and Spain. The Royal Moroccan Armed Forces have modern tanks, aircraft, and also naval vessels. Morocco’s strategic position in North Africa makes it a vital player in both African and European defence matters.

One of the key roles it plays is controlling main maritime routes between Europe and Africa, and ensuring stability in North Africa.

5. South Africa’s military

South Africa’s military is among the most advanced on the continent. The South African National Defence Force is well-equipped, thanks to the country’s developed defence industry, which produces weapons, armoured vehicles, and aircraft for both domestic use and export.

South Africa’s military’s key strengths include advanced technology, highly trained special forces, and also domestic weapons manufacturing.