SASSA advertising MORE job vacancies
SASSA has advertised for more job vacancies on their website, covering most of the country’s provinces.

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) have advertised for more job vacancies on their website, covering most of the country’s provinces.
If you’re looking for a job, why not consider working for one of the government departments that make the country a better place to be?
Here’s where to find SASSA advertising for more job vacancies, and other available jobs in various government sectors.
ALSO READ: SASSA: No more grants at SA Post Office
The South African Social Security Agency is in charge of South Africa’s social grant payment system.
ALSO READ: Loans from SASSA don’t exist!
Grants like the R350-SRD Grant, Childcare Grant and Disability Grant are paid to those in need each month thanks to a well-functioning system.
ALSO READ: Grants unpaid? Contact them here (and here)
If you’ve ever wanted to work for SASSA, job vacancies are posted to their website at least once per week.
Administrative jobs are popular, though management-level positions are also available at this government agency.
All government jobs are advertised through official government websites only.
ALSO READ: Reminder: All the important links for social grants
If you are looking for a job at the SA Social Security Agency, this link at their website goes to the page for available SASSA job vacancies.
Some jobs are also advertised in the Gazette or Circular, though the best bet is checking each individual department website for jobs.
Looking for other government jobs, excluding SASSA?
Government posts job opportunities on the website for each department, such as jobs at the Department of Health (Link Here) or through SA Government (Link Here).
ALSO READ: Jobs: Government is advertising vacancies
More posts advertise open job vacancies at the Department of Home Affairs, and don’t forget that there’s also the Department of Public Works.
Each level of government has their own requirements, own unique challenges, and something that YOU might be the perfect fit for.
Why not consider working for government?