More international routes on the cards for SAA
South African Airways (SAA) has said that it aims to launch more international routes as soon as next year. Here are the details…

SAA wants to expand route network
South African Airways (SAA) has revealed plans to expand its international route network by next year, aiming to offer flights to Europe, North America and East Asia.
According to Tourism Update, Bloomberg reported that the flights will be to Germany, the East Coast of the United States of America, China, as well as to London by December 2025.
The airline currently flies 16 aircraft and will take delivery of an additional in 2025. According to a recent study by Oxford Economics Africa, SAA’s current footprint of 16 destinations is modelled to support the new extension of the route network into Europe, North America and East Asia.
On the rise
South African Airways (SAA) also announced a marked increase in its flight frequencies to several African destinations, which began in November.
There are now 12 weekly flights to both Harare, Zimbabwe and Lusaka, Zambia, an increase from the current ten times a week to Harare and seven to Lusaka, respectively.
Flights to Lagos and Accra also increased from three to four times a week starting in November.
In a media release, SAA Interim CEO, Professor John Lamola, said that after rapid route expansion since 2021, the airline now has aims to consolidate its position and strengthen its role in connecting Africa.
“South Africa has seen a promising travel recovery this year, with most visitors coming from other parts of Africa. Our strategic growth focuses on expanding routes based on demand and feasibility. We are also guided by our unique mandate as a national carrier to ensure that we help grow South Africa’s economy. Air travel plays a key role in building our tourism and trade links across Africa, which benefits both South Africa and the continent as a whole,” Lamola said as per Travel News.