SA Expat’s Letter From South Africa to Korea With Love
On New Year’s Eve, a few hours before midnight, South African expat Flower La Elizabeth Warner – who is on holiday in South Africa with her boyfriend Hooni – penned the following letter to her new homeland, with sentiments that many expats living in different countries will share: 7 hours ahead in Korea means you […]

On New Year’s Eve, a few hours before midnight, South African expat Flower La Elizabeth Warner – who is on holiday in South Africa with her boyfriend Hooni – penned the following letter to her new homeland, with sentiments that many expats living in different countries will share:
7 hours ahead in Korea means you will all be celebrating before 자기 (Honey) and I in SA, so sending you all my message before the soju flows and you all fall asleep.
Do you know that I have spent the better part of this decade as an expat in Korea… seven years to be exact. This is something I never imagined way back in 2013.
Korea has become home and although the expat life is certainly not easy and has its challenges, I am sure we can all agree that is it those very challenges and cultural differences that have shaped us into who we are today.
I look at all my friends in Korea and I am amazed and inspired by so many of you and what you have managed to achieve in Korea, despite the challenges you have faced. You are all amazing.
The friendships and experiences that Korea has given me are invaluable and I am eternally grateful to everyone who has supported me and helped me to make my life all that it is in Korea.
Thank you to all my Korean friends who have always been there for me and more importantly allowing so many of us to stay in your country.
Wishing each and every one of our friends in Korea a very happy and blessed new year.
I love you all and I hope that 2020 is the year where the challenges are few and the blessings are abundant.
Have an extra shot of soju for 자기 and I tonight!!!
??Sending love from South Africa ??
Flower & 자기
P.S. Flower’s boyfriend is loving SA! ♡♡ If you’d like to follow Flower’s adventures in South Africa and Korea, follow her Instagram page here!