Rare Orchid Discovered at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve
A rare and beautiful orchid – that was last seen in the Western Cape 50 years ago – has been discovered in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. According to Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery the species was last seen in the Western Cape in 1966. On their Facebook page yesterday, the Nursery announced that the plant had been […]

A rare and beautiful orchid – that was last seen in the Western Cape 50 years ago – has been discovered in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve.

According to Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery the species was last seen in the Western Cape in 1966.
On their Facebook page yesterday, the Nursery announced that the plant had been spotted in the Fernkloof reserve the day before by Fran Jordaan.

“Liz Hutton of The Hermanus Botanical Society contacted Bill Liltved, Orchid expert and co-author of the book ‘The Cape Orchids’.
“Bill could not get into his car quick enough to come out to Fernkloof to photograph it. He immediately identified it as Disa forficaria…”
According to the page, Bill described it as “the highlight of my botanical career!”