New subject added to Grades R to 9 in South Africa schools
The Department of Basic Education has officially added coding and robotics to the subject roster for Grades R to 9 in South African schools.

The Department of Basic Education has gazetted its latest changes to the National Policy pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements Grades R to 12 (old Sub A to matric).
It has officially added coding and robotics to the subject roster for Grades R to 9 (old Sub A to Standard 7).
The subject has not been added to the curriculum for Grades 10 to 12 (old Standard 8 to matric) at the time of publishing.
The department started piloting coding and robotics as a subject in schools for Grades R to 3 in 2021.
According to the BusinessTech website, for Grades R-3, the subject is included alongside mathematics, while for grades 4-9, the subject is included alongside mathematics, natural sciences and technology.
In terms of approved subjects for the National Qualifications Framework, it is listed under among other STEM subjects such as computer applications technology, mathematics, physical sciences, life sciences, information technology and maths literacy.
STEM subjects in South Africa are science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Read the full gazette signed by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, below: