Must pensioners reapply for SASSA Old Age Grants in April 2024?
Do pensioners need to reapply for SASSA Old-Age Grants next month when the new R90 government increase comes into effect?

Do pensioners need to reapply for SASSA Old Age Grants next month when the new R90 government increase comes into effect?
At a difficult time of year for the country’s most needy citizens, the extra money will help ease the burden for the households they support.
However, you may be wondering if you need to reapply for SASSA Old Age Grants in April 2024 to be compliant to receive the increase.
Thankfully, the answer is NO.
If you are already receiving a South African Social Security Agency stipend, you do not need to reapply.

If you’re over the age of 60 and comply with all the necessary criteria (listed below) to qualify for a government pension, you don’t EVER have to reapply.
The South African government website explains its duty to see the country’s elders through their golden years.
However, to ensure you still qualify for government aid, your grant may occasionally be reviewed. You will be notified three months in advance of the date when the review will take place.
Should your circumstances change and …
- You receive care in a state institution.
- Earn more than R86 280 annually (R7 190 per month) if single, and R172 560 annually (R14 380 per month) if married.
- Or your asset threshold exceeds R1 227 600 (single) and R2 455 200 (married).
… only then will your pension grant be cancelled.
Also if you pass away.
Similarly, if you do not claim for three consecutive months it will be cancelled.
The latter is the only reasonable scenario when you may have to reapply for SASSA Old Age Grants.

A reminder, SASSA Old Age Grants will increase in April 2024. This will amount to an extra R90, with another R10 hike coming later in October.
Therefore, SASSA Old Age Pensions will pay R2 180 for anyone between the ages of 60 and 74.
And R2 200 for anyone over 75-years of age.
If you or an elderly loved one is eligible to apply, click the relevant links below to find a SASSA branch nearest you: