MK Party distances itself from Umkhonto Student Movement
The MK Party has distanced itself from Umkhonto Student Movement despite the latter’s recognition by tertiary institutions.

Umkhonto Wesizwe Youth League (MKYL) of the MK Party has suspended two of its members for forming a parallel student movement.
The alleged movement, the Umkhonto Student Movement(MKSM) is however not recognised by the party or its youth league.
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In a statement, MKYL Interim Secretary General Minenhle Cibane, says the party has suspended the membership of Mnqobi Msezane and Thamsanqa Khuzwayo.
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Cibane says only the party’s youth league has a presence in tertiary institutions.
“We would like to reiterate to ground forces and to all members of MK Youth League, that we do not recognise the MKSM,” Cibane says.
“The MKYL is the only legitimate structure which shall contest SRC elections in all university campuses, university of technology and TVET Colleges” he adds.
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During their suspension, Cibane has outlined conditions the suspended pair must adhere to.
These include:
- They are prohibited from calling on meeting of the MKYL or the unrecognised MKSM.
- They are prohibited from attending at MKYL meeting. The use of former president Jacob Zuma’s image to promote MKSM is also prohibited.
- The duo have until Wednesday, to respond the office of the secretary general. Failure to do so could lead to their expulsion
- Failure to adhere to any of the conditions could lead to an immediate expulsion from the MKYL.