#MarchForChange Led by DA Heads Through Joburg to ConCourt
JOHANNESBURG – A march for political change organised by the Democratic Alliance has started on Friday morning in Johannesburg, with thousands of people dressed in blue heading for the Constitutional Court. The #MarchForChange was joined by DA leaders Mmusi Maimane and Patricia DeLille, among others. The DA said in a statement on Wednesday that it had […]

JOHANNESBURG – A march for political change organised by the Democratic Alliance has started on Friday morning in Johannesburg, with thousands of people dressed in blue heading for the Constitutional Court.
The #MarchForChange was joined by DA leaders Mmusi Maimane and Patricia DeLille, among others.
The DA said in a statement on Wednesday that it had committed to various forms of mass mobilisation and protest “in order to highlight the importance of the judgment and the ANC’s refusal to remove a President who does not care about the Constitution and the people of South Africa.
“In order for South Africa’s constitutional democracy to survive and thrive‚ Zuma can no longer occupy the Presidency. We encourage all South Africans who believe in change and the future of South Africa to join the march to the Constitutional Court.”
It is conformed that there are about 10 000 people for the #MarchForChange to Constitution Hill #IOL @IOL pic.twitter.com/uiZ0MSjIkV
— MojoIOL (@mojoIOL) April 15, 2016
I am joining 10000 South Africans today to #MarchForChange MarchForChange pic.twitter.com/ztvAqMbVLz
— Tanya Heydenrych (@TanyaHeydenrych) April 15, 2016
Let us vote for jobs and vote for change in 2016. #MarchForChange @RefiloeNtsekhe pic.twitter.com/l92zD1F3As
— Patricia de Lille (@PatriciaDeLille) April 15, 2016
‘Roughly 10,000’ turn out for DA #MarchForChange https://t.co/wsqT79IWU2 pic.twitter.com/N8hfdphdOO
— Sunday Times (@SundayTimesZA) April 15, 2016
#MarchForChange pic.twitter.com/2KDYFg7IqQ
— Refiloe Nt’sekhe (@RefiloeNtsekhe) April 15, 2016
This is the state of things in Johannesburg, as we #MarchForChange pic.twitter.com/iEr6oLHsN2
— Democratic Alliance (@Our_DA) April 15, 2016