KwaZulu-Natal has 31 000 unfilled teacher vacancies
The Department of Basic Education says KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, and Limpopo have the highest number of unfilled teacher vacancies.

KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape have the highest number of unfilled teacher vacancies as the Department of Basic Education has confirmed that over 31 000 posts are unfilled.
The department confirmed this in a Parliamentary response to questions sent by the Democratic Alliance (DA).
Nodada had asked what the total number of teacher vacancies is nationally and in each province. What is being done to fill the vacant positions in each case per grade?
Following the response, the DA said unfilled teacher vacancies see classroom overcrowding, which explains why some schools have been reported with up to 70 pupils sharing one teacher.
However, the party said unfilled vacancies are just the tip of the iceberg, as public schools are significantly short of infrastructure.
“Pupils are forced to sit in unsafe classrooms, use pit latrines, as well as share furniture, textbooks, and stationery. These lead to terrible educational outcomes for children, as 81% of Grade 4 learners cannot read for meaning,” DA Shadow Minister of Basic Education Baxolile Nodada said.
The Department of Basic Education revealed that the unfilled teacher vacancies are also concentrated in the country’s poorer, more rural provinces. KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape have the highest at 7 044 and 6 111, respectively.
To add to the woes, Nodada said provinces cannot fill vacancies as their budgets have been slashed.
“For instance, the Western Cape’s budget has been cut by almost R900 million by the National Government, which has seen its higher rates of vacancies,” Nodada added.
Province | Number of Vacancies |
Eastern Cape | 6 111 |
Free State | 1 117 |
Gauteng | 3 898 |
KwaZulu-Natal | 7 044 |
Limpopo | 4 933 |
Mpumalanga | 1 931 |
Northern Cape | 726 |
North West | 1 205 |
Western Cape | 4 497 |
National | 31 462 |
Source: Department of Basic Education
In the response, the Department of Basic Education said filling the vacant school posts is ongoing.
The department said that schools can recruit at the local level for Post Level One vacancies and make temporary appointments when the vacancy occurs. These appointments are then made permanent upon ensuring that the educator meets the requirements of the post.
“In addition, to address immediate workload challenges that result from vacant promotional posts, schools are allowed to appoint temporary educators against a vacant promotional post until the vacant promotion post is filled,” the department added.