Joslin Smith: Diazville Primary urges parents to be vigilant
Diazville Primary School has urged parents to be vigilant during the school holidays amid the disappearance of fellow pupil, Joslin Smith.

Diazville Primary School, where Joslin Smith attended, has issued a warning to parents amid the school holidays.
This week marks one month since the six-year-old disappeared from her home in the Middelpos informal settlement in Saldanha Bay.
Four suspects – including Joslin’s mother, Kelly, and her boyfriend, Jacquin Appollis, as well as friends Steveno Van Rhyn and Lourentia Lombaard, have been arrested for kidnapping and human trafficking.
They are currently in custody.
In the weeks since Joslin Smith’s disappearance, Diazville Primary School has been sharing heartwarming messages of hope from fellow pupils and teaching staff on the Facebook page.
Now, with the first term officially ending, the school has warned parents to remain vigilant over their children.
It shared: “As a school, we would like to urge all parents and guardians not to leave students unattended this holiday. You must know at all times where your child is and with whom your child is playing. Know your child’s friends, as well as their parents.”
The school also shared the alarming news that another grade-one learner almost suffered the same fate as Joslin.
The post continued: “Another friend also in Grade one was lured by a woman with sweets on Saturday afternoon. Luckily, her sister saw what was happening and was able to get her away on time.
It added: “Parents and guardians, please keep our children safe this holiday. They are our precious possessions that need to be cared for and also experience our love and protection”.
Geagte Ouers en Voogde Ons het aan die einde gekom van Kwartaal 1! Wat ‘n kwartaal was dit nie vir ons gewees nie! Soveel seer, onsekerheid, bekommernis en tog ook die gevoel van HOOP! Kom ons bly steeds biddend vir mekaar. As skool, is ons dankbaar vir God se genade, sy liefde en net vir alles en almal! Soos u alreeds verneem het, was ‘n graad 1 maatjie, Joshlin Smith op Maandag, 19 Februarie 2024 as vermis aangemeld. As skool wil ons graag alle ouers en voogde vermaan om nie leerders sonder toesig te laat hierdie vakansie nie. U moet ten alle tye weet waar u kind is en saam wie u kind speel. Ken u kind se maats, asook hul ouers. ’n Ander maatjie ook in Graad 1 was Saterdag laatmiddag, gelok deur ‘n vrou met ‘n lekker. Gelukkig het haar suster gewaar wat besig was om te gebeur en kon haar suster betyds wegkry. Gister het een van ons seuns gaan swem en amper verdrink. Ons is so dankbaar vir die mense wat hom kon red en weer bygebring het. Hy sterk tans aan. Ouers en Voogde, hou ons kinders hierdie vakansie veilig asb. Hulle is ons kosbare besittings wat versorg moet word en ook ons liefde en beskerming moet ervaar. Die skool wil hul dank uitspreek oor al die ondersteuning wat ons die afgelope maand ontvang het met die verdwyning van ons maatjie, Joshlin. Dankie aan almal wat gehelp het om vir haar te soek. Baie dankie aan almal wat vir haar en ons skool bid. Ons is hoopvol en vertrou dat sy veilig sal terugkom. Wees veilig en geniet die welverdiende vakansie! Groete Me Davids-Hartzenberg Prinsipaal Diazville PSPosted by Diazville Primêre Saldanha on Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Meanwhile, Diazville Primary School principal Lee-Anne Davids-Hartzenberg said that Joslin Smith was a “happy child.”
She told IOL about the grade one learner: “Joslin is soft-hearted and a very kind and friendly child. Whenever I saw the smile on her face, I saw a happy child.
“There was no indication in her behaviour that she was unhappy about something.
She added that children had offered counselling to students.
She continued: “Some of the learners in the class want to know when she’s coming back. But they are doing well”.