Tito Mboweni
Tito Mboweni appears to be one of many green ID book holders who have not yet updated to the smart ID card system. Image: FB@sanewsgovza

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Is Tito Mboweni opposing the Smart ID Card idea?

Is former Finance Minister Tito Mboweni among the many South Africans reluctant to switch from the green ID book to the smart ID card?

Tito Mboweni
Tito Mboweni appears to be one of many green ID book holders who have not yet updated to the smart ID card system. Image: FB@sanewsgovza

Former Finance Minister Tito Mboweni seems to be among the “green ID book” loyalists, resisting the shift to the new smart card system despite caution from Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber.

According to the department, South Africans are being urged to upgrade to the new biometric system to reduce identity theft and fraud.


On his popular X account, Tito Mboweni – a former Minister of Finance and Reserve Bank Governor – lashed out at the news that South Africans were being encouraged to upgrade to the smart card system.

He tweeted, “What smart card? There is no such thing, please. That ID card is not a smart card.”

The smart card system was implemented in 2013, and was expected to be rolled out in a year.

At the time, Mboweni worked in the private sector, including as chairman of bullion producer AngloGold Ashanti. He would later be sworn into the cabinet as a minister under President Cyril Ramaphosa.

In the comment section under his tweet, many X followers mocked the former minister for his lack of enthusiasm for embracing technology.

Others agreed with Mboweni that they were not keen on letting go of their green ID books.


Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Leon Schreiber has warned South Africans to upgrade to a smart ID card or face the consequences.

He tweeted: “Research suggests that SA’s green ID book is the most defrauded in Africa. With identity theft costing our country north of R1.5 billion per year. 

“If you want to fight fraud and corruption while protecting your family, switch to a smart ID card before criminals steal your life.”

This follows the department’s initiative to eradicate wrongfully block IDs and reduce the circulation of fraudulent IDs. The department have rolled out a programme to tackle the issue.