Hijacked Buildings in JHB CBD to be disconnected
City of Johannesburg has called in more police to help them disconnect electricity from three hijacked buildings housing dangerous people

The City of Johannesburg has decided to continue disconnecting services to several hijacked buildings in the inner city.
This is the second time the City will be attempting to disconnect power from hijacked buildings after operations were halted last week after, officials and journalists were threatened by residents.

ALSO READ:INSIDE hijacked buildings in HILLBROW
The City had planned to disconnect four buildings but only managed to successfully disconnect one and halted operations due to safety reasons.
The four buildings are said to owe the City a hefty R20 million collectively. The last time the City received any payment for electricity was six years ago.
MMC for Environment and Infrastructure Services Jack Sekwaila says the buildings are suspected to be occupied by illegal and extremely violent residents.
The crackdown by the City on the illegally occupied buildings is in an effort by the City to increase revenue collection and decrease pressure on the grid.
“Illegal electricity connections are considered theft and will be dealt with accordingly” says Sekwaila.