‘Everyone loves Home Affairs’, says Aaron Motsoaledi – We beg to differ …
Minister of Home Affairs says his department is ‘praised for its effectiveness’. However, we know some who think differently …

Minister of Home Affairs Aaron Motsoaledi says “everyone loves his department” and it is “generally praised for its effectiveness,” reports BusinessTech.
His statements were made in a recent parliamentary Q&A session.
Furthermore, the minister said Home Affairs constantly monitors customer satisfaction and waiting times across all its DHA branches.
The average waiting time inside an office is reasonably quick, he said, according to a recent survey.

- Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSS) for each service channel is above 70%.
- 7 minute wait for pre-booked services.
- 10 minute wait for birth, marriage, and death services.
- 15 minute wait for walk-in services.
Moreover, Motsoaledi says only 6% of people surveyed are detractors.
Nevertheless, those detractors listed poor customer service, slow service, and bad staff attitude as reasons for their rating.
In terms of the e-home DHA online portal, the minister acknowledges a lack of speed in the payment process is a problem.

However, there is a band of fully legitimate South African citizens who think very differently about the merits of Home Affairs.
These are naturalised South African citizens who have literally left the SAPeople website inundated with complaints about the department.
Despite being fully recognised citizens by naturalisation and there being no law to the contrary, they are forbidden from applying for smart ID cards.
But why?

Below is a selection of messages we received from naturalised citizens in South Africa, sharing their experiences about Home Affairs:
- I applied for an SA Identity Card online as a citizen by naturalisation. I then proceeded to Home Affairs in Edenvale. There I could see my application with big red ink through it. She just said that I am not able to apply for a smart ID Card as I was not born here. I have permanent residence since 1982 and a green ID book which clearly states that I am a South African citizen. Also, I am married to a South African and have two children who were born here. I was turned away and felt embarrassed by the way I was treated. I love this country but I sometimes wonder whether it is worth it.

- I am a permanent resident and have been living in South African for over 40 years. I went to the mobile home affairs unit and was told that I cannot have a smart ID card. And would have to apply for a green ID booklet in one of only three places, several hundred kilometres away from where I live.
- It is impossible to apply for smart ID card for anyone born overseas. Even if you’ve been a permanent resident for more than 70 years and a naturalised South African citizen for more than 50 years and have all the documents to prove it. Home Affairs will simply turn you away.
*Note, messages have been edited for clarity and context.
To these constitutionally recognised South African citizens who are made to feel second-rate in their own country, we say not everyone loves Home Affairs, minister Motsoaledi.