Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla of the MK Party appears in court again
The MK Party insists that the charges against its leader’s daughter Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla are politically motivated.

MK Party MP Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla is scheduled to appear in the Durban High Court on Thursday, 20 March.
Zuma-Sambudla appeared in the Durban Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, 30 January, on charges under the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Act (POCDATARA) and incitement to commit violence in July 2021.
As previously reported, Zuma-Sambudla handed herself over at Durban Central police station where she was arrested and processed.
The 42-year-old member of Parliament was released on warning and her matter was transferred to the Durban High Court.
In July 2021, Zuma’s supporters in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal protested against his incarceration resulting in riots and looting that destroyed a number of businesses, with over 300 people losing their lives.
Following the initial court appearance, the MK Party youth league said the charges against Zuma-Sambudla are frivolous and baseless. They are part of a broader orchestrated assault not only on Zuma-Sambudla and her family, but also on the MK Party, its members and the democratic will of people.
MK Party Youth League’s national coordinator, Nkateko Mkhabela said the persecution of Zuma-Sambudla follows the same vindictive pattern inflicted upon her father.
“The same persecution was directed at Duduzane Zuma, falsely accused and vilified simply for standing up against the corrupt establishment. Now, the same playbook is being used against Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla,” Mkhabela said.
“This case is not about the law but about intimidation and political suppression. We urge all our branches, members and supporters to stand firm and prepare for mass mobilisation in defence of Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla and the MK Party,” he added.