Deputy Maluleke Becomes South Africa’s First Woman Auditor-General
Tsakani Maluleke, the Deputy Auditor-General, is to take over the duties of outgoing Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu after being voted in unanimously by members of parliament. She is the first woman to serve in the role. Maluleke, a chartered accountant, has been in the post since 2014. Makwetu was highly regarded and held the position of […]

Tsakani Maluleke, the Deputy Auditor-General, is to take over the duties of outgoing Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu after being voted in unanimously by members of parliament. She is the first woman to serve in the role.
Maluleke, a chartered accountant, has been in the post since 2014. Makwetu was highly regarded and held the position of auditor-general for a non-renewable seven years.

The ANC Caucus in Parliament welcomed the recommendation (299 unanimous votes by Members of the National Assembly), and said it has no doubt that Maluleke’s appointment as the first woman to occupy this position since the advent of democracy will contribute to the empowerment of women. “History was made today and our path towards a non-sexist and democratic South Africa” was shortened, said the ANC.
Chief Whip, Pemmy Majodina said: “Her brilliant set of skills as an experienced Chartered Accountant with vast auditing credentials with specialised knowledge of and experience in state finances and public administration was given due regard with this appointment.”