DA’s Vasco Da Gama Elected Speaker of the Joburg Council (& The Jokes Begin)
JOHANNESBURG – Democratic Alliance (DA) Councillor Vasco Da Gama has been elected as Speaker of the Johannesburg Council… and it’s – predictably – launched a wave of tweets: …and cue the sailing and sailor puns. And go!!! #VascoDaGama #JoburgCouncil — Michael 🍏 (@TheMikeAppel) August 22, 2016 Jesus is back and he didn't come back alone. #VascoDaGama https://t.co/xyFiM3LIar […]

JOHANNESBURG – Democratic Alliance (DA) Councillor Vasco Da Gama has been elected as Speaker of the Johannesburg Council… and it’s – predictably – launched a wave of tweets:
…and cue the sailing and sailor puns. And go!!! #VascoDaGama #JoburgCouncil
— Michael 🍏 (@TheMikeAppel) August 22, 2016
Jesus is back and he didn't come back alone. #VascoDaGama https://t.co/xyFiM3LIar
— Rama-pozer (@FatSkinnyRamZ) August 22, 2016
RT @GreatWhyte23: First order of business by new speaker #VascoDaGama: “let’s go for lunch” #Joburg
— RSApolitics (@RSApolitics) August 22, 2016
Waiting for @NandosSA do get into the act with #VascoDaGama! Tavasco sauce!! #JHBCouncil @RanjeniM @RediTlhabi
— edris hlongwane (@edrishlongwane) August 22, 2016
Admiral of the Seas of Arabia, Persia, India & all the Orients, and now Speaker of @CityofJoburgZA, #VascoDaGama
— Dinesh Balliah (@DineshBalliah) August 22, 2016
I'm sure the new mayor will be #JanVanRiebeeck after #VascoDaGama anything is possible.
— Brenda Wardle (@BrendaWardle) August 22, 2016
Having lived in over 14 countries I can honestly say I haven't enjoyed politics as much as in SA!!!
#JoburgMayor #Elections2016— York Zucchi (@YZP) August 22, 2016
So #VascoDaGama sailed around the Cape faster than getting elected speaker @CityofJoburgZA #EFF #DA #ANC
— Zackie Achmat (@ZackieAchmat) August 22, 2016
#VascoDaGama elected speaker at #Joburg Metro Council. What a name! What a moment! Any bets who's gonna be mayor?
— Tinyiko Maluleke (@ProfTinyiko) August 22, 2016
My money is on #VascoDaGama to help sail #Joburg out of troubled waters @Our_DA pic.twitter.com/Yluaj1F822
— Bertus le Roux (@BertusLR) August 22, 2016
Here he is, #VascoDaGama, the new Joburg Council Speaker >> https://t.co/CU0machH2W pic.twitter.com/1Matppf4wa
— eNCA (@eNCA) August 22, 2016