Assistance Urgently Needed to Locate and Track a Baby Rhino Calf
Captured in Africa (CIA) Foundation has issued an appeal for assistance to locate and track a baby rhino calf a few hours outside of Johannesburg. The non-profit organisation, in partnership with a K9 anti-poaching and security unit called PitTrack, has a new initiative called K9s for Big Cats… which primarily tracks, locates and relocates missing, escaped […]

Captured in Africa (CIA) Foundation has issued an appeal for assistance to locate and track a baby rhino calf a few hours outside of Johannesburg.

The non-profit organisation, in partnership with a K9 anti-poaching and security unit called PitTrack, has a new initiative called K9s for Big Cats… which primarily tracks, locates and relocates missing, escaped or at risk big cats, using the K9’s effectively for these tasks.
However, they have just been called this afternoon to assist with the tracking and location of an orphaned 3-month old rhino calf.
CIA Foundation CEO Drew Abrahamson and Carl (PitTrack founder) are on their way to the location, about three hours outside of Johannesburg (location undisclosed for security purposes)…
CIA’s Paul Tully told SAPeople: “I spoke with Drew just now and they are currently arriving at the location with the K9’s.”
CIA Foundation is asking for urgent help to please assist with donations to track and locate this baby rhino. It’s a “very urgent matter”, says Paul.
“If you can help… then fantastic, it would be so greatly appreciated.
“An 18A charitable certificate is available following any donation. Any assistance would result in public acknowledgement and thank you.”
To make direct deposits, please use the following official bank account;
Beneficiary: Captured In Africa Foundation
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: 250655
Account: 6259 4014 749
Address: RS0032, Fourways Mall, Cnr Witkoppen & Cedar Rd, Fourways,
Johannesburg, 2191
Paypal: foundation@capturedinafrica.co.za
Website: www.capturedinafricafoundation.com