Blue super moon
Blue super moon. Image: File

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What was that dot near the Super Blue Moon?

South Africans saw a Super Blue Moon earlier this week, which only happens once in a blue moon! But what was that bright ‘dot’?

01-09-23 16:23
Blue super moon
Blue super moon. Image: File

Anyone who looked up in the night sky in the early hours of Thursday morning (SA time), would’ve seen a spectacular cosmic event, namely, a Super Blue Moon – which only happens once in a blue moon!

But what was that bright dot?

ALSO READ: What is a blue moon — and why do we care?


Here’s what you should know about the bright planet that appeared near the full moon at some parts of the year.

A supermoon is a special event where the moon appears to be marginally larger than usual when it’s full. If you watched the sky earlier this week, then you should’ve been able to catch a sight of the spectacular supermoon in all its glory.

According to this isn’t the only thing you may be able to see when you look up to the sky.

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Sometimes planets and other objects might also be visible at the same time.


According to the website, people in the Southern Hemisphere should be able to see several planets in the night sky at the same time as the Supermoon.

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One of the planets that will appear to viewers, which can be seen as a bright “dot” which appears near the moon, is Saturn.


Information from the NASA website says that Saturn is the second-largest planet in the solar system, and located approximately 1.4 billion kilometres from the sun.

Saturn is mostly made up out of gas, with an atmosphere made from hydrogen and helium.

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As far as scientists know, there is no active life on Saturn, though there might be live organisms to be found on any of the moons around the planet.

If you want to see Saturn at this time of year, all you’ve got to do is look up – it’s not just the Blue Super Moon that you might want to see!