13 Must Know Cardiff University Dissertation Writing Guidelines for Students
13 Must Know Cardiff University Dissertation Writing Guidelines for Students. Image: Supplied

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13 Must Know Cardiff University Dissertation Writing Guidelines for Students

This article will outline the 13 dissertation guidelines for Cardiff University students. Keep reading to get detailed insights to help you start writing your papers.

24-10-24 14:34
13 Must Know Cardiff University Dissertation Writing Guidelines for Students
13 Must Know Cardiff University Dissertation Writing Guidelines for Students. Image: Supplied

According to official reports, 95% of Cardiff University graduates secure great jobs within 15 months of completing their degrees. This is because they are skilled at managing endless projects like theses and dissertations with precision. 

Each year, Cardiff University provides dissertation guidelines to students for crafting their papers. By following these guidelines, you can write a high-quality dissertation that has the potential to achieve a 1st or 2:1 grade. Let’s now explore these essential guidelines in more detail.

Continue reading for a better understanding!

What Is the Grading System at Cardiff Metropolitan University?

The grading system at Cardiff University is quite different from that of other countries, and it can confuse you if you have been a high-achiever. In the UK systems, the grading is done in the following manner:

●       1st grade is anything above 70% or 70% itself

●       A 2:1 is considered a good mark, and the percentage is 60-69%

●       A 2:2 is 50-60%

●       The 3rd grade is 40%, and it’s a pass.

In the UK’s educational grading system, achieving a mark below 40% is considered a failure. This system is designed to be transparent, ensuring a fair and consistent evaluation of students’ academic performance. To avoid the risk of failing, students can get dissertation writing help to enhance the quality of their work and achieve the grades they desire.

13 Essential Cardiff University Dissertation Guidelines

A dissertation can provide you with an opportunity to work independently on a topic that may seem interesting to you. You can also acquire quite a lot of research training due to this experience, which further sharpens the intellectual skills of students.

Here are the top 13 best Cardiff Metropolitan University dissertation guidelines you must follow when crafting your papers:

1. Create an Outline

The most effective way to finish your dissertation is to keep all the work organised. The outline shall follow all the structure requirements of your university. Crafting an outline for papers results in numerous benefits.

It enables the students to organise all the dissertation data and helps them effectively plan their work. This way, you can also manage your time and make the dissertation writing process much easier.

2. Follow the University Guide

You should be careful enough to ensure that you meet all the requirements of Cardiff University. It includes everything from the selection of a topic to the primary writing structure of your papers.

Sometimes, it can be extremely frustrating for the students to spend so much time on the dissertation just because they didn’t follow the guidelines properly. You can also read all the relevant materials from your university until you have memorised them.

3. Ordering of the Chapters

Usually, students should avoid crafting their papers in chronological order. Instead, they should craft the primary sections at the end of the dissertation work. Per the Cardiff University dissertation guidelines, you don’t have to write an abstract as the first thing of your entire research project.

Similarly, the results and methods are the easiest part to write, so they should be done before. You can craft the introduction and conclusion part at the end to tie it all together.

4. Work With the Supervisor

You must not forget that your supervisors can help you a lot while writing a dissertation at Cardiff University. You shouldn’t hesitate to ask for guidance from your supervisor and other committee members.

Regular and clear communication is important because it can save you from headaches during your research and dissertation writing process. When you work with your supervisor, you can avoid all these mistakes in a timely manner.

5. Plan Carefully

Planning your work carefully per the Cardiff University dissertation guidelines is important if you want to achieve brilliant success with your papers. It is important for conducting any kind of academic research. Of course, you are not going to write your final dissertation on your first try. Instead of being frustrated, you should trust the process. Regular planning and consistent implementation of the dissertation structure will help you organise your work.

6. Practice Quality Writing

You should ensure that your ideas are clear and easy to read and that they have a natural flow. Although the beginning researchers don’t have this skill, you can learn it with quite a lot of practice and patience. Craft the first draft of your work and keep editing it to get your desired results. You can also get help with writing your dissertation from professional academic writers.

7. Pay Attention to the Details

When writing a Cardiff University dissertation, it is important for you to pay attention to the details. Seemingly small things like the formatting of your papers matter the most to the examiners.

If you start writing your papers using the right format, you can save a tremendous amount of time later. Also, ensure that there is consistency in the formatting style you use.

8. Add References

You can use reference management software such as Mendeley or EndNote to organize and arrange your references in one place. This will help you keep the citation management process under control.

According to Cardiff University dissertation guidelines, you must double-check the references and citations with the bibliography to see that it all matters. Also, ensure that all the references have been taken from reliable sources.

9. Avoid Plagiarism

Quote all your sources accurately, and if you cannot, paraphrase the original quotations in your dissertation. There is absolutely no excuse for being a lazy writer. Using a smart service or tool to check plagiarism for your dissertation editing process can be quite helpful.

Also, using all the sources in the block quotes will help you avoid plagiarism.

10. Keep it Simple

Remember that sometimes perfectionism is no less than a disaster. Your Cardiff University dissertation may not be perfect, but it should be factually accurate and thematically consistent. Overall, your work should be simple in its essence. That is only the start of your academic career and not the ultimate work, so don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

11. Remember the Audience

With all the research and writing work, keep in mind that your papers are meant to be read. Hence, you should be considerate of the people who have to read them. Think about adding all the information that is necessary for your papers. Per the Cardiff University dissertation guidelines, our arguments must have stronger evidence as a backup. Also, you should strive to avoid unnecessary work and work towards being understood.

12. Stay Persistent

Writing a dissertation becomes quite easy if you make consistent progress and try to write every other day. Given you are in control of other factors, your attitude will ultimately determine your success. You can achieve all your goals by having patience and working hard. Also, you will be able to craft dissertations which you can be proud of for a lifetime, especially if you publish your papers.

13. Edit and Proofread

The very last step that you should be concerned about when crafting your dissertation is the final editing and proofreading process. The formatting of the papers should be on point, and the theme of the content should be relevant to the dissertation topic.

Be sure to revise the papers after taking a small break when you finish writing them. This way, you will have enough time to look at your papers with a fresh pair of eyes.

How to Calculate GPA at Cardiff Metropolitan University?

Colleges and universities are quite stressful for many students at times. Apart from the normal course load and the GPA, students also have internships and jobs to apply for. Your GPA at Cardiff Metropolitan University can affect your short-term career goals. Interestingly, you can calculate your GPA at Cardiff University in a few easy steps.

Those steps, as per Cardiff University dissertation guidelines, are mentioned here:

●   Step 01: You can calculate your Cardiff University GPA by adding up all your grades and dividing it by the total number of credit hours you earn.

●   Step 02: Each letter grade refers to a specific grade point, and the given calculator converts those grades into the grade points automatically.

●   Step 03: The credit hours are not the same for all classes. For example, a part-time class may be worth 2 credits while a normal class may be worth 4 credits. This means that a part-time class is less effective as compared to a full-time class.

●   Step 04: For each class that you want to include in your GPA calculation, you should enter a letter grade.

●   Step 05: Here, you can submit the credits and classes to automatically generate your GPA per Cardiff University.

How Many Credits Is Dissertation UK?

As per Brunei University, each university is credit-related to the university, where most programmers are offered in a modular format. The modules have a credit rating in multiples of five, and the dissertation usually has a minimum of 60 credits. For completing a master’s course, a sum total of 180 credits is usually required. For a postgrad diploma, 120 credits are required. For a post-grad certificate, students need 60 credits.


Now that you know the top 13 best Cardiff University dissertation guidelines, it’s time to follow these instructions.  Apart from these instructions, you should also pay heed to the customs guidelines of your supervisors.

Writing a full-fledged dissertation per the university guidelines is a tough task. Keeping in view the challenges involved, you may need to get help from the best-rated dissertation writing companies. We suggest you use all the resources you can to craft your desired papers.

All in all, you should be careful with the formatting, presentation and referencing of your work. Proofread the content twice and keenly overview the thematic styling before the final submission of your papers.