Reduce snoring with this simple hack. Image: canva

Home » Expert advice on what to eat before bed to stop snoring

Expert advice on what to eat before bed to stop snoring

Snoring keeping you and your partner up? An expert reveals what you should eat before bed to help reduce snoring….

18-10-24 09:50
Reduce snoring with this simple hack. Image: canva

The raucous symphony of snoring, like a foghorn that can shatter the tranquillity of the night, is not exactly easy to sleep through. 

“If you or your partner snore, you know all too well how it can impact not just your own quality of sleep but also the sanity of everyone within earshot!” say experts from, a leading online marketplace for CBD products. 

But don’t worry – help may be as close as your pantry. Here, the experts from explain how one simple spoonful before bed could be the key to reducing those thunderous snores and bringing peace to your night once more.

How a spoonful of honey makes the snoring go away

While there are various remedies and solutions out there, the sleep experts at suggest one surprisingly simple yet effective method: a spoonful of honey.

“Honey boasts impressive anti-inflammatory properties, which can work wonders for reducing snoring,” explains the team at

“By coating the throat, honey helps soothe and reduce the vibrations that cause those disruptive sounds. When your throat is less irritated and inflamed, your airways are more open, making it less likely you’ll snore.”

Try mixing one teaspoon of honey into a cup of hot water, chamomile tea, or ginger tea. “You can enjoy this cosy cup sometime between dinner and bedtime. It works really well as part of a soothing pre-bed routine to help you wind down and relax,” says

Other ways to reduce the snore

Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight, particularly around the neck, puts pressure on the airways, leading to snoring. 

Sleep on your side: Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue to fall backward into the throat, blocking the airway. Try training yourself to sleep on your side instead.

“You can use a body pillow or place a tennis ball in a sock and attach it to the back of your pyjamas to discourage rolling onto your back during the night,” says

Elevate your head: Elevating your head while you sleep can help keep your airways open. Use extra pillows or a specially designed wedge pillow to find a comfortable position to help you breathe easier.

Stay hydrated: Dehydration can lead to the production of thick mucus in the throat, increasing the chances of snoring. Aim to drink enough water throughout the day to stay well-hydrated. “Drink herbal teas or flavour your water with honey if you find it hard to drink water by itself,” says

Limit alcohol and sedatives: Alcohol and sedative medications can relax the muscles in your throat, increasing the likelihood of snoring. Try to avoid consuming these substances in the hours leading up to bedtime.