Cape Town Conference Centre Becomes COVID Hospital
The well-known Cape Town International Conference Centre is in the process of being converted into an 850-bed intermediate hospital for COVID-19 patients. Western Cape Premier Alan Winde conducted a visit today to see the progress at the site, and visited one of the completed wards. The facility will eventually provide at least 850 intermediate care […]

The well-known Cape Town International Conference Centre is in the process of being converted into an 850-bed intermediate hospital for COVID-19 patients.

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde conducted a visit today to see the progress at the site, and visited one of the completed wards. The facility will eventually provide at least 850 intermediate care beds for COVID-19 patients.
“The completion of the site is on track,” said Winde, “and will start treating patients in a phased-in approach. It is our hope that this facility really is a beacon of recovery, and those entering its doors for treatment, receive the care they need so that they can get well and return home.”
“We are continuously assessing the data available to us about the progression of the virus in the province, in order to respond appropriately. But we simply cannot do this alone. We require the help of every single person in this province to slow the spread of this virus. When you keep yourself safe, you keep your loved ones safe too. We each have a role to play in saving lives.”
Once open, the CTICC facility will provide intermediate care, such as the administration of oxygen and physiotherapy and has facilities for patients whose health may deteriorate while in the facility.
The hospital will be staffed by 987 people including medical specialists, general practitioners, nurses, physiotherapists and administrative and support staff.
The hospital will also have a state-of-the-art digital X-ray machine, and will be entirely paperless to ensure that the risk of infection is minimised. It will also have a specialised waste removal system to ensure that potentially contaminated waste is cared for.
“One of the things that struck me in the hospital, is the sign above each bed which says ‘beacon of hope and recovery’. We must remember our humanity in this pandemic- each and every statistic is a real person with their own hopes and fears, and family members and friends who love them very much. Unfortunately, patients will not be able to see their families or receive visitors while in this hospital, but I was pleased to hear that the hospital will have WiFi, which will allow patients to video call their loved ones.”