Westlake Mothers March to Mourn Teen’s Tragic Death in Tokai
In the wake of the tragic death of Franziska Blöchliger, the teenager brutally murdered in Tokai Park on Monday 7 March, a remarkable and inspiring event took place on the evening of 9 March. (Watch video below.) The mothers of Westlake Village, who had come together to clean up their community and effect the arrests […]

In the wake of the tragic death of Franziska Blöchliger, the teenager brutally murdered in Tokai Park on Monday 7 March, a remarkable and inspiring event took place on the evening of 9 March. (Watch video below.)
The mothers of Westlake Village, who had come together to clean up their community and effect the arrests of Franziska’s alleged murderers, marched in support of the Blöchliger family from Westlake to Tokai Park.
Mothers and members of the greater community were invited to stand alongside the road in support.
Instead, provided with yellow ribbons, all joined in, walking with the mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers and children of Westlake.
The crowd was led by women and children bearing banners which read “Love Prevails” and “Westlake Supports the Blöchliger Family”.
At the corner where the flowers were laid during Tuesday night’s vigil, the women of Westlake Village spoke out against Franziska’s tragic loss of life, against the rampant crime which needs to be fought together, and declared their grief, support and solidarity with the Blöchligers.

A prayer service, held by a Westlake pastor, commemorated Franziska’s life and lamented its loss.
DA councillor, Penny East, spoke, saying never before had she seen such a remarkable coming together of diverse communities all too often divided by tension. It was a glimpse of the Rainbow Nation, she said, as envisioned by Tata Mandela.
Hands were joined to sing Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika.
It was a unique gathering, which inspired hope in the hearts and minds of all present, and brought to all the realisation that children, who hold our future in their hands, are to be loved, protected and nurtured by a united community.
WATCH VIDEO: Mothers of Westlake March, Mourning Tokai Teen’s Death
Brave and wonderful women who came together to clean up their community and effected the arrests of Franziska's murderers. Tokai Community
Posted by Gayle Fahrenfort on Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Writer photographer Nicky Schmidt is based in the Western Cape. Visit her blog here or follow Nicky on Twitter: @NickySchmidt1
Photos sourced from Facebook. (If you know who took any of the pics, please let us know so we can credit them.)