WATCH Drakensberg Boys Choir Sing Traditional Xhosa Prayer for SA
After the devastation wrought upon South Africa this past week, the Drakensberg Boys Choir has today uploaded this moving traditional Xhosa prayer… singing of hope, unity and “in salutation of all those South Africans who these past few days have worked to bring order and restoration to our Rainbow Nation”. The school’s English teacher, Pamela […]

After the devastation wrought upon South Africa this past week, the Drakensberg Boys Choir has today uploaded this moving traditional Xhosa prayer… singing of hope, unity and “in salutation of all those South Africans who these past few days have worked to bring order and restoration to our Rainbow Nation”.
The school’s English teacher, Pamela Couzyn, told SAPeople: “I woke up to the music department’s latest release this morning. Working to produce this piece has offered immense solace to our boys and staff in a catastrophic week, and I hope it offers solace to the rest of our wonderful country. #drakies #unitedweshallstand #drakensbergboyschoirschool”
The choir says: “We stand as one with our brothers, sisters, elders and community leaders, knowing we will rise from the ashes stronger, more determined and more committed to our ideals as a nation.”
The prayer’s words include “Ndikhokhele Bawo, Ndikhokhele Mmeli wami…ezintsizini zalo Mhlaba” (Lead me oh dear Father, Lead me my Saviour through the hardships of this World). See the FULL LYRICS below.
It was recorded individually at home by members of The Drakensberg Boys Choir during the current level 4 lockdown in South Africa due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Drakensberg Boys Choir – Ndikhokhele Bawo (Traditional Xhosa Prayer)
Ndikhokhele Lyrics – Mzansi Youth Choir
Ndikhokhele Bawo, zundi kokhele (Lead me oh Father [Lead me])
Ndikhokhele mmeli wami (Lead me my savior)
Ezintsizini, Zalomhlaba Bawo (in all the sorrows of this world Father)
(Bawo, Bawo, Bawo) ( Father, Father, Father)
Bawo ndiyabonga (Father I thank you)
Ngoba wena usandigcinile (for you still protect/keep me)
Thaluthele thuze kwami (You calm all my fears) x2
(Bawo, bawo, bawo) ( Father, Father, Father)
Bawo ndiyabonga (Father I thank you)
Ngoba wena usandigcinile (for you still protect me)
Mmeli wami bawo uthaluthele thuze kwami (Father, Savior, you calm my fears)
Bawo ndiyabonga (Father I thank you)
Ngoba wena usandigcinile (for you still protect me)
Watch Also: South African woman’s moving prayer for SA in isiXhosa