South Africa’s Oceans Full of Life as Whales Loll & It’s a Seafood Bonanza
South African marine conservation photographer, Jean Tresfon, captured the following spectacular photos yesterday showing South Africa’s ocean bursting with life…on what he calls “the last day of summer”. Jean, who specialises in aerial and underwater photography, says “yesterday dawned perfect and still – no wind, no clouds, flat calm seas and warm sunny conditions. Flying […]

South African marine conservation photographer, Jean Tresfon, captured the following spectacular photos yesterday showing South Africa’s ocean bursting with life…on what he calls “the last day of summer”.

Jean, who specialises in aerial and underwater photography, says “yesterday dawned perfect and still – no wind, no clouds, flat calm seas and warm sunny conditions. Flying around the Peninsula it was amazing to see the oceans so full of life!”
Jean flies several times a week specifically to keep tabs on our South African marine wildlife and he regularly assists the authorities with shark and whale spotting.

“Huge shoals of anchovy were everywhere yesterday, and it was a seafood bonanza,” he says. “A huge pod of common dolphins – together with hundreds of seals, cormorants and seagulls – was feeding just offshore at Melkbospunt.

“A pair of humpback whales joined the fray and Oudekraal was also alive with more anchovy, dolphins, seals and seabirds, and the same again in Maori Bay. A young southern right whale was feeding on the surface at Llandudno along with the other predators.
“Just off Duiker Island a young humpback whale was feeding close inshore in the kelp with no adult in sight, and a pair of southern right whales were lolling on the surface at Kommetjie.

“Moving to False Bay there was also plenty of life with large shoals of yellowtail in the bay at Fish Hoek but surprisingly no sharks spotted at all. What a day to be out and about in the #Mothercity.”
To see more of Jean Tresfon’s photos and updates: