WATCH Tummy Turning Speedflying – Swooping Down to Clifton
Wow! Watch South African professional skydiver Jean-Jacques Wallis swooping down at sunset from Lion’s Head to Clifton 2nd Beach in Cape Town, South Africa. The first 40 seconds or so showcase the beautiful Western Cape landscape. The final 30 to 40 seconds will make your stomach turn! Although the scenery is spectacular! “Just a sweet swoop line […]

Wow! Watch South African professional skydiver Jean-Jacques Wallis swooping down at sunset from Lion’s Head to Clifton 2nd Beach in Cape Town, South Africa.
The first 40 seconds or so showcase the beautiful Western Cape landscape. The final 30 to 40 seconds will make your stomach turn! Although the scenery is spectacular!
“Just a sweet swoop line down to Clifton 2,” says Jean-Jacques casually.
Watch Video: Sunset speedflying, swooping down from Lion’s Head to Clifton 2nd Beach
Instagram @jeanjacques_wallis