South Africans Find Ways to Unite on Durban Beach, in Post Gone Viral
A Durban mom was blown away on Sunday as she watched what transpired on Durban Beach, South Africa… proving that the rainbow nation is ready to shine. In a post on Facebook which has gone viral, Hillcrest resident Mandi Duthi explained that she had spent a gorgeous day on Durban Beach watching a scene unfold […]

A Durban mom was blown away on Sunday as she watched what transpired on Durban Beach, South Africa… proving that the rainbow nation is ready to shine.

In a post on Facebook which has gone viral, Hillcrest resident Mandi Duthi explained that she had spent a gorgeous day on Durban Beach watching a scene unfold in front of her.
“My heart grew warm and fuzzy,” she revealed.
Mandi said it began with two separate groups – one black, one white. One playing soccer and the other playing rugby. What happened next was awesome!
“Slowly, these two groups of people, with the same needs and wants for our beautiful country, moved in and joined the two games.
“Call it soccerby or call it rugger… but they literally joined their play. Tackling, pushing, laughing, comradery, sun, sand, smiles.
“For a moment I was reminded that we all have a certain common enemy helping to unravel us – social media. Social media can often be used to divide, destroy, instil fear and worry. All of these seek to destroy us and are not from God.
“Don’t let social media add to the demise of our beautiful country. Don’t react to stories you don’t know exist for sure, don’t pass on the bad.
“I know you know this feeling of warmth too. That warm, fuzzy, South African feeling.
“With small acts like this going on, how can it all be bad and tainted. Rugby, beaches, shopping malls… start looking around for the good, you will find it! Open the eyes of your heart ❤”
Showing that social media can be used to unite and spread goodwill, Mandi’s post has been going viral this week.
Speaking to SAPeople, Mandi said: “I’m so happy people are rising and making use of my post. We need this boost…”