South African Romantic Comedy ‘Konfetti’ opens this weekend – video trailer
A fabulous new South African romantic comedy opened in local movie theaters today…and is reportedly a must-see! The film’s called ‘Konfetti’ and is touted as a film for everyone, about a “wedding so mal, it’s perfect”. It’s based on Louw Venter’s play “The Best Man’s Speech”, and he will be at the Waterfront in person […]

A fabulous new South African romantic comedy opened in local movie theaters today…and is reportedly a must-see! The film’s called ‘Konfetti’ and is touted as a film for everyone, about a “wedding so mal, it’s perfect”.
It’s based on Louw Venter’s play “The Best Man’s Speech”, and he will be at the Waterfront in person to watch it with friends on Friday evening (if you feel like joining them!).

As is often the nature with movies, if the film doesn’t get enough of an audience in the first weekend, then it will be taken off the circuit. So for all those who want to have a good laugh, and support brilliant South African talent as well as the local film industry, please get together with your friends and family this weekend and go watch ‘Konfetti’.
Venter wrote on Facebook today: “DIS D-DAG MY VRIENDE! Konfetti begin vandag landwyd draai by die teaters (NuMetro vandag en die res more). Al wat ons nou nodig het is ONE FINAL PUSH, en dis waar jy inkom. Sê vir jou Mammie en jou Pappie en jou oom Koot en jou Portugese maaitjie Miguel en vir jou nuwe buurman met die sexy voorkop om sommer nou hulle kaartjies vir die naweek te bespreek. As ons hierdie langnaweek kook gaan ons ‘n fantastiese run hê en miskien ‘n bietjie geskiedenis saam maak. Ek voel sommer so aan my bas julle gaan dit stukkend geniet. Now go, and share, and book, and I’ll see you at the movies. Big Love.”
According to the film’s Music Director and Score Writer Lionel Bastos “everything about it is a joy”.
The film is about a couple who are getting married. Jean is Afrikaans. Sheryl is Jewish. Their families are tense and the best man has been on a drinking binge and forgotten to confirm the band!
‘Konfetti’ stars a cast that is “ridiculously outstanding” including Nico Panagio, Louw Venter, Casey B Dolan, Kim Engelbrecht and Casper de Vries.