South African ‘Jewfro’ Part of Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF) Showcase
‘Jewfro’ is a dark comedy dealing with toxic masculinity and cultural appropriation in South Africa…

South African director-writer Jack Markovitz and Big World Cinema producer Tamsin Ranger are in Saudi Arabia with their film ‘Jewfro’ as part of the work-in-progress showcase in the RSIFF’s Souk or market.
‘Jewfro’, set in South Africa, is a dark comedy dealing with toxic masculinity and cultural appropriation.
The film follows Barney, a Jewish Gen Z resident of Johannesburg. His solitude leads him to fall in love with an influencer online. In an attempt to attract her and become her boyfriend he begins appropriating her culture. Barney starts thinking he’s evolving into an internet sensation when in reality his obsession becomes obscure.
‘Jewfro’ is a look at “the confused, humorous and dangerous ways white South Africans deal with their racial insecurities”.
The film is being financed by the South African National Film and Video Foundation as well as by private investors also from South Africa.