South African Expat’s New Year’s Lessons We Could All Live By
What an incredible year it’s been, some extraordinary times and a lot of lessons learned, another great chapter in this incredible life… writes South African expat and adventurer Marky Warren. It’s hard to think that just three years ago I was at the lowest point, drowning in addiction, depression and if it wasn’t for my incredible […]

What an incredible year it’s been, some extraordinary times and a lot of lessons learned, another great chapter in this incredible life… writes South African expat and adventurer Marky Warren.

It’s hard to think that just three years ago I was at the lowest point, drowning in addiction, depression and if it wasn’t for my incredible family I would have been homeless…
It’s hard to believe nowadays that I even considered ending it altogether.
What a rebirth of personal growth and personal self, every year since has been an incredible journey of rebuilding and finding a new love for life, it’s been a great lesson.
I mean, there’s no better foundation than rock bottom to rebuild your life, right? (Thank you J.K Rowling) ? I know I’ve failed a hundred times but I brushed it off, got back up and carried on.
Every New Year’s Eve I take a few moments to myself to look back and watch the movie of the year in my mind, appreciate it and enjoy the experience one more time, after all, it’s what brought you to where you are right now.
But I also look at what I can do better, “innovate the past”.
If I can give some advice for the year ahead from experience…
Let go of people who do not value you, they will only slow you down. They don’t deserve you, end of.
Give more time to yourself, we live in a world with too many choices and too many options, it’s easy to get caught up in it all and forget about what really matters – you and your happiness.
Give without expecting anything in return, it’s an incredible feeling and completely eliminates the possibility of disappointment.
Help and be kind where you can, but don’t let it become a burden on you.
Help people with their personal issues, but don’t let those personal issues become your problem.
Give more time to your family, they will most likely be the only ones there to catch you when you fall, or be there when you need people the most.
And remember, what people think of you is really none of your business, it will only slow you down if it’s bad, or make you lose who you really are if it’s good.
Don’t hold back on good thoughts, you never know who it may help (I get ragged by mates for stuff like this all the time, but it’s those that will drop me a little inbox message to say that what I said helped, and that makes it all worth it).
Work harder on crushing your demons; don’t worry, everyone has them.
No excuses you are responsible for your life…
Choose life and custom-build it to your specification just the way you want it.
You are not perfect, you will fail and make mistakes; the better you learn to deal with it, the quicker and better you will get going again.
If you want loyalty, get a dog, if you want the sweet taste of freedom, get a boat 🙂
To everyone who had babies, got married, got engaged, found love, embarked on new adventures or continued a journey in 2017, I wish you all the best going into 2018.
To everyone that I know, I wish you only the best and may 2018 be a year of great improvement, another stepping stone in the stairway of life.
To all those we lost in 2017, may we always keep you in a heart and memory.
To my mom, dad, sister Waine and my precious little nieces, thank you for everything; who knows where I’d be right now if it wasn’t for you.
I’m flying into 2018 with a healthy mind, full heart and feeling on top of the world, like a comet with a tail spreading love and kindness. I hope you feel the same 🙂
Thanks for your time… that probably took a while to read haha 🙂
Marky Warren has walked endless miles to raise funds and awareness for his friend, the late Joost van der Westhuizen’s J9 Foundation; he’s entertained South Africans with his PharSide website; he’s so passionately South African he flew from his UK base to Dubai in 2017 to support the Blitzbokke; and in a year in which he sky-dived for the first time… he also acquired a beautiful boat which he’s been doing up in Spain, ready to embark on adventures at sea in 2018… and guaranteed to continue entertaining the rest of us. Follow Marky on Facebook or Instagram.
#ThankYouMarkyWarren #LivingYourTrueLife #InspiringOthersByInspiringYourself
Marky, seen centre here, with Joost van der Westhuizen’s brothers at the Dubai Rugby Sevens: