SA’s Beautiful Kalk Bay Harbour – Fishermen and Boats
‘Cape of Storms photographer’,Gale McAll passionately blends photography and art. She has a deep love for the sea and for stormy weather which radiates from her work. A bio on her website, Gale McAll Photography, describes Gale as someone who is “a master at capturing the souls of people in their environments [and that] her […]

‘Cape of Storms photographer’,Gale McAll passionately blends photography and art. She has a deep love for the sea and for stormy weather which radiates from her work.

A bio on her website, Gale McAll Photography, describes Gale as someone who is “a master at capturing the souls of people in their environments [and that] her passion for the Cape of Storms and surrounds, especially for the sea and its people demands attention when seen through the lenses of her instruments.”
About her collection of photographs entitled ‘Fishermen of the Cape’, Gale says they are about “capturing their everyday lives and the characters I have come to know – I have a large portfolio of these fishermen who I have been fortunate enough to have photographed for the past 5 years.”
Below is a selection of her photographs featuring Fishermen of the Cape as well as photos of ‘Beautiful Kalk Bay’ and The Cape of Storms she is passionate about.
South African Photographer Gale McAll: “I Love Cape Town”