War on Poaching Steps Up as MILKOR Joins & Poached Rhino Video is Shared
The war on poaching has just stepped up a notch. And not a moment too soon when you view the video of a rhino poaching crime scene (see bottom of page). On Friday Milkor handed over 40mm Under Barrel Grenade Launcher (UBGL) systems to South African National Parks (SANParks) in Groenkloof Pretoria in aid of the […]

The war on poaching has just stepped up a notch. And not a moment too soon when you view the video of a rhino poaching crime scene (see bottom of page). On Friday Milkor handed over 40mm Under Barrel Grenade Launcher (UBGL) systems to South African National Parks (SANParks) in Groenkloof Pretoria in aid of the on-going fight against poaching in the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa’s largest national Park.
Milkor is known for its prolific use in many Defence and Police Forces for more than 35 years, and with 60,000 of its systems sold in more than 50 countries worldwide, Milkor’s Grenade Launchers need no introduction.
SANParks is home to the largest population of rhino in the world and the majority of these rhino reside in the iconic KNP.
SANParks CEO, Fundisile Mketeni says that with the increased incursions in the KNP, SANParks will continue to look at new and innovative ways in fighting the relentless incursions that we are dealing with in order to protect the rhino.
“The South African rhino population is one of the last viable rhino populations in the world which makes it extremely vulnerable. South Africa is therefore the remaining hope for the world in terms of rhino conservation and as such, we have no choice but to conquer this war.”
Milkor believes that the UBGLs’ light weight and durable characteristics along with its diverse less-lethal and lethal applications such as flare, smoke, flash bang, impulse and rubber rounds will aid SANParks’ Anti-Poaching operations.
The UBGL gives the user an added advantage over the traditional type launcher as it forms part and parcel of the main weapon or assault rifle.
Marius Roos, CEO Milkor says “SANParks will be able to deploy these weapon systems as part of their arsenal of weapons to combat poaching activities nationally. Milkor is committed to the fight and we continually improve our weapons to adapt to these unique requirements.”
The CEO of SANParks commended Milkor for joining the fight against poaching and says that partnerships of this nature allow SANParks to provide the desperately needed support in terms of equipment to the counter poaching teams who are in the bush at this very moment.
“Milkor is setting a good example of what other corporate citizens should be doing in securing the future of our parks. We are truly indebted for Milkor’s generosity and putting their money where their mouth is. Thanks again to Milkor.”
“The time has come for everyone to stand up and fight against poaching in order to help ensure these precious heritages for our children’s children survive forever,” concluded Mketeni.
Watch Video: Crime Scene of a Rhino Poaching at the Kruger National Park
The rhino poaching crime scene below was filmed by JacarandaFM’s The Complimentary Breakfast, and shared on Facebook by renowned anti-poaching advocate and vet Dr William Fowlds who has tended to many poached animals. In this case a mother and her calf have been brutally killed…
It is hoped that this video will create awareness and help in the fight against rhino poaching in South Africa. ***WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT***