SA Teacher in Vietnam Needs a Miracle, Mom is Desperate for Dying Son
A South African mom, Inge, is desperate for a miracle for her son Dale Benson, a 39-year-old teacher in Vietnam who has been diagnosed with the worst news a mother could hear. This morning, in a message to SAPeople, devastated Inge described this “tragic event” in her life. Dale, she says, has been teaching in […]

A South African mom, Inge, is desperate for a miracle for her son Dale Benson, a 39-year-old teacher in Vietnam who has been diagnosed with the worst news a mother could hear. This morning, in a message to SAPeople, devastated Inge described this “tragic event” in her life.
Dale, she says, has been teaching in a little town outside Hanoi for a few years, but sadly “he hasn’t felt great for a while and ended up having a few procedures. He landed up at the University hospital and has been diagnosed with stage 4 (colon) cancer… not giving him much time.”
Although time is not on her side, Inge has been blown away by the offers of support already. “So many people are rallying around trying to help with funds to get him home asap,” she says.
One of her friends, Karen Baschiera – who hails from Somerset West, Cape Town – has set up a BackABuddy fundraiser.
Karen says: “Doctors estimated that (Dale) has about one month to live without chemo. To make matters worse, her son is in Vietnam and at the provincial hospital in Hanoi. I am trying to raise funds to get him home as he is in bad shape and in a lot of pain.
“This has all happened very sudden and time is of the essence to get him home. He had been experiencing severe stomach pains the last few weeks, and on Friday was rushed to hospital. Doctors operated and found cancer in the whole of his abdominal area.”
Karen is not yet sure of what the total costs will be. She says: “We have inquired about organizing for him to be airlifted with a medical plane but the cost thereof is astronomical – R 3 000 000 plus.
“He has no medical insurance as he has not been able to work for months now as a result of the virus. Also, his mother can’t fly there as the borders of Vietnam are closed.
“We are now looking at a flight with Singapore Airlines and a medic or doctor accompanying him. All arrangements still in progress.
“Doctors said he should be cleared for flying Monday or Tuesday. Please help me get him home so he can get the best medical care and be with his loved ones.
“All money left over can be used to pay it forward to someone else in need.”
Please help, if you can: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/champion/project/dale-benson and/or please share Dale’s story to get him home in time, thank you!