Residents Urged to ‘Baboon Proof’ Homes from becoming ‘Fast Food’ Outlets
NIGEL RILEY captured these beautiful photos of baboons in the Western Cape who obviously haven’t heard the City of Cape Town is trying to create baboon-free residential areas! Last year was the Summer of Fun for baboons in the area… who treated homes like “fast food” outlets (in the words of the City of Cape […]

NIGEL RILEY captured these beautiful photos of baboons in the Western Cape who obviously haven’t heard the City of Cape Town is trying to create baboon-free residential areas!
Last year was the Summer of Fun for baboons in the area… who treated homes like “fast food” outlets (in the words of the City of Cape Town) and swam and played in local residents’ swimming pools (see video below) with wild abandon.
This year the City of Cape Town has urged locals to ‘baboon-proof’ their homes in an effort to create baboon-free suburbs.
The City supplies two-pin lockable bins to residents, as well as a host of tips including never leaving food on display (even pet food), installing burglar bars and only putting waste out just before collection times.
The baboons – which are a protected species in the Western Cape – have also become world famous… and infamous for their carjacking expertise (watch video below). The mayor’s office asked tourists (and tour operators) to view baboons responsibly and to remain in their cars with doors and windows locked.
Cape Town Councillor Johan van der Merwe reminded residents that “it is illegal to feed baboons; to poison, trap, hurt or kill a baboon…”
Any baboon-related incidents can be reported to the Baboon Reporting Helpline on 071 588 6540.
Watch Baboons having fun, swimming in a resident’s pool in Hermanus last January (2016)
Watch Baboon Wars:
Tim Noonan travelled from Australia to make this documentary in 2011 for Seven Network.