Real Nando’s Ad: 10 Reasons Not to be Blue
With so many people making fake Nando’s ads… here’s a great real promotion from South Africa’s globally successful hot peri-peri chicken fast food restaurant chain. The ad comes from Nando’s UK office and was timed for yesterday’s “Blue Monday”, which is renowned as the bluest Monday of them all in the UK. According to Cardiff […]

With so many people making fake Nando’s ads… here’s a great real promotion from South Africa’s globally successful hot peri-peri chicken fast food restaurant chain.
The ad comes from Nando’s UK office and was timed for yesterday’s “Blue Monday”, which is renowned as the bluest Monday of them all in the UK.
According to Cardiff University’s Dr Cliff Arnall, the third Monday in January is always the most depressing. Using a light-hearted formula, he calculated that it’s the day when things seem the worst in the UK because of the weather and the joy of Christmas being over and the bills starting to come in.
Nando’s UK therefore came up with 10 fabulous reasons to not be blue. They included the rare privilege of being alive during the world’s 4.543 billion years at the same time as Nando’s and that even if you’re a glass half-empty person… it’s okay as long as you’ve got bottomless refills.