lions rescue

At Last! 33 Rescued Lions Bound for Forever Home in SA

By SAPeople Staff Writer 04-04-18 23:36

Almost three dozen lions that were rescued from circuses in Peru and Colombia since 2014 are finally going to make the last stage of their journey back to a better place, and will fly to South Africa on Friday. The organisation of the massive airlift by Animal Defenders International is going through its final phases before the aptly named […]

garden route biking

New 160km Bike Trail to Open Along Garden Route

By SAPeople Staff Writer 27-04-16 11:24

A 160 km cycling track between George and Plettenberg Bay, part of a much larger plan to make the Western Cape a biking mecca, is planned to be launched early next year. The Western Cape government said in a statement this week that the route, which will be the first part of the projected “Cape Cross” cycling […]

Rugby tackle

Rugby Players Show True Sportsmanship After Horror Tackle

By SAPeople 26-04-16 16:02

Here’s sportmanship at its best – two tough rugby players setting a great example. The Sharks’ Willie Le Roux and Highlanders’ Jason Emery… after the horrendous tackle on Friday in New Zealand. Jason tweeted to Willie: “again, just want 2 apologise for what happened 2night. I’m just thankful u came out of that collision ok & continued […]

WATCH Massive Waves Roll in to Camps Bay

By SAPeople 25-04-16 19:46

Following the storm in Cape Town over the weekend, massive waves rolled in and lured body boarders and surfers out for a ride… and many spectacular wipeouts! DAVID MCMASTER filmed and edited the following video with some “mind blowing” waves at Camps Bay beach on Saturday morning… Watch Video: Camps Bay Carnage

mall of africa

12 Amazing Things to Know About The Mall of Africa

By SAPeople Staff Writer 25-04-16 18:42

The Mall of Africa will open its doors on Thursday, 28 April. It is the biggest mall built in a single phase in South Africa/Southern Africa/Africa, depending on which website you read. Construction consumed 10 million bricks and 8,500 tons of steel. It is located in Waterfall, a new living, working, retail area between Johannesburg […]


Another Public South African Message of Gratitude to an Honest Man

By SAPeople Contributor 25-04-16 12:26

A restaurant employee has been publically commended on social media for his honesty, a “rare trait in today’s world”, in what is becoming an increasingly popular South African phenomenon of reaching out to help or show appreciation for fellow citizens. A post by Gauteng resident Keith MacGillivray thanking Ntsimbi from Douglasdale Nandos for helping ensure his lost […]


Is It Pretoria or Tshwane? And 22 Others You May Not Know

By SAPeople Staff Writer 26-04-16 09:44

The confusion over whether the executive capital of South Africa is called Pretoria or Tshwane has been going on for several years already, although the mayor of the city says that is about to end – well, kind of. “With regards to the name change, we have done public consultations and reviews in council and a resolution was […]

South Africa’s Legendary Dungeons Delivers Big Waves

By SAPeople 24-04-16 22:44

South Africa’s famous Dungeons delivered some 6+ metre swells on Saturday. Local photographer ROBYN GWILT was lucky enough to get a boat ride from Hout Bay out to the legendary Big Wave Surf Spot. “These guys have balls to get towed out there,” says Robyn. “…and then dumped in the middle of it all to ride […]

Tintswalo Hout bay

Getting an Eyeful of Cape Town’s Far Side, at Tintswalo

By SAPeople Staff Writer 25-04-16 11:40

Even though we live in one of the beautiful places in the world, it’s completely understandable that sometimes we may not give the beauty of Cape Town the appreciation it deserves. This is not because we don’t think our city is beautiful, it’s just because we become desensitised to it. But every Capetonian recognises that moment when the […]

cape town

A View of Cape Town From Space. WATCH Cars Moving!

By SAPeople Staff Writer 22-04-16 10:54

A company that says it brings space into your home (or your laptop) has released footage from the heavens of Cape Town, the Pyramids of Giza and Dubai. The company Urthecast took the ultra high definition footage from an Iris camera attached to the International Space Station, according to news reports. Look closely and you can see cars […]

Gaynor Young South Africa

Former Actress Dedicates Award for Exceptional Courage to her Exceptional Mom

By Gaynor Young 22-04-16 10:38

On the 8th Jan 2016, I received the following letter from Dawn Lindberg, the Executive Director of the South African Naledi Theatre Awards: Dearest Gaynor, Congratulations on being chosen to be an ABSA ‘PROSPER‘ AMBASSADOR! The timing co-incides with our Executive Decision to give you a SPECIAL NALEDI THEATRE AWARD this year, at the 2016 Awards… […]

WATCH South African Vineyard ‘Employs’ 900 Ducks!

By SAPeople Contributor 22-04-16 01:03

Watch this wonderful army of 900 ducks run to work! The flock are ’employed’ to keep a South African vineyard in pristine condition. The adorable Indian Runner ducks keep the vineyard free of slugs and snails… by eating them all day long. Visitors are able to watch them parade twice a day. Watch Video: South African Vineyard employs […]

chelsea flower

A Sneak Peek at SA’s Stand at the Chelsea Flower Show

By SAPeople Staff Writer 05-04-18 00:10

No, that’s not actually the South African stand at the Chelsea Flower Show. It’s a miniature, which was unveiled to the public on Thursday in preparation for the coveted event taking place in London on May 24-28. (UPDATE 24 May 2016: South Africa has won gold at the Chelsea Flower Show.) Launched at Kirstenbosch, the events manager […]


Charlize Theron One of Time’s 100 Most Influential for AIDS Work

By SAPeople Staff Writer 21-04-16 17:21

Charlize Theron has been named one of Time’s Most Influential People of 2016 for her contribution towards AIDS awareness, while South Africa-based anthropologist Lee Berger was also on the list. In a tribute written by Blake Mycoskie, founder of the philanthropically oriented Toms Shoes, he wrote: “A lot of celebrities know how to raise awareness. Charlize Theron […]

Durbanite Captures Her Own Romantic Engagement on Film Without Realising!

By SAPeople 21-04-16 13:27

When international wedding photographer Luca Barausse wanted to propose to his girlfriend, he not only took her on a romantic road trip to the mountain kingdom of Lesotho, he also very cleverly had her film the proposal… and she had no idea! (Watch video below.) “Being a photographer I wanted to capture the moment somehow and a friend […]

Dario Trinchero

South African Teenager is World’s Top Maths Student

By SAPeople Contributor 19-04-16 16:45

Dario Trinchero, a matriculant at Somerset College in the Western Cape, has become the first South African to earn the title of top mathematics student in the world after achieving the highest marks possible – 100 percent! – in the International Cambridge University advanced subsidiary examinations. Trinchero placed first in two mathematics exams, and achieved […]

North Pole th

South African Women Make History at North Pole Marathon

By SAPeople Contributor 19-04-16 15:44

Leonie Stander Delport and Sonja Viljoen Stall, both doctors from Kroonstad, have successfully completed the challenging #NorthPoleMarathon… and thus joined the #GrandSlamClub, making history as the first South African female athletes to become Associate Members of the prestigious Club! After completing the North Pole Marathon this weekend, the two South African friends – who have worked together […]


Tuk-Tuks for Cape Town!

By SAPeople Staff Writer 19-04-16 11:56

Tuk-tuks are coming to Cape Town! The city said on Tuesday that if all goes according to plan, there will be 80 tuk-tuks to start off with in eight areas of the city for travelling distances of three kilometres or less. It is hoped that they will be on the roads by September, in time […]

circa gallery

SA Artists Shine at Joburg Gallery’s New London Outpost

By SAPeople Staff Writer 25-11-19 23:16

If you’re in London, try get to the new Circa Gallery by the weekend to see the brilliant opening show full of South African artists that are increasingly drawing world attention. The successful Circa Gallery of Johannesburg, started in 2009 as a sister gallery to esteemed Everard Read, opened in March with an exhibition full […]

Bettel grapevine

BBC Interviews South Africa’s Wooden Watchmakers

By SAPeople 18-04-16 21:29

A young South African couple are making news overseas with their ‘timeless’ creations – watches made of natural wood mixed with high-quality stainless steel and carbon fibre. Stuart and Makeeda Swan were featured in a BBC interview a couple of days ago, talking about their Cape Town-based company Bettél (a mix of the two words – […]


Green, Yellow and Impeachment: Brazil vs South Africa

By SAPeople Staff Writer 18-04-16 17:20

South Africa and Brazil. We share the good (great beaches, fab climate) and the bad (flagging economies, falling exchange rates, possible junk status, a government often charged with corruption, and a president threatened with impeachment). But that’s where it ends – or it did this weekend, when the lower house in Brazil’s congress voted to impeach President […]


WATCH Ceasefire brings Hope to Gang Violence in Cape Town

By SAPeople Contributor 18-04-16 21:36

Although Cape Town is one of the richest cities in Africa, with endless beauty, delicious cuisine and an outdoor lifestyle sought by tourists from around the world – the rate of gang-related murders in the city’s Hanover Park are amongst the highest in the world, and drug use is rampant in townships. But there is hope. An intervention […]

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