National Geographic’s ‘Homewrecker’ Penguin and the Desmond Tutu Tweet
National Geographic posted a video of penguins fighting on Friday that went viral and generated an avalanche of reactions on social media, including a popular tweet of South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu that was retweeted over 1,800 times. The video that set it off featured a brutal fight after “a husband comes home and finds his wife with […]

National Geographic posted a video of penguins fighting on Friday that went viral and generated an avalanche of reactions on social media, including a popular tweet of South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu that was retweeted over 1,800 times.
The video that set it off featured a brutal fight after “a husband comes home and finds his wife with another penguin”.
The fight… and equally harsh words from the narrator (“she’s got no time for losers”) shocked tweeters who reacted with typically witty jokes and memes on Twitter.
“Now I don’t even know who’s more evil between the home wrecker penguin and the narrator,” said one.
Another social media user said: “Good morning to everyone except that home wrecking penguin.”
One tweeter said to NatGeo: “That video really messed me up. Please post something adorable ASAP.”
Some loved it though, with one saying: “Can’t wait for the next episode of Real Housewives of Antarctica.”
Our favourite of course is the one that featured South Africa’s beloved Desmond Tutu. (See below.) Watch out!
The Homewrecking Penguin
A fight breaks out when a husband comes home and finds his wife with another penguin. pic.twitter.com/9ejYGcJ5TJ
— National Geographic TV (@NatGeoTV) November 4, 2016
Some of the Penguin Love Triangle Reactions on Twitter:
When you ask Mr. Penguin for advice on women pic.twitter.com/BriMK7kgSx
— SWERVO🏁🐬 (@UCTDropout) November 5, 2016
The Independent newspaper in England even weighed in with some happy penguin news, celebrating the 10 year anniversary of a gay penguin couple – Dotty and Zee from a zoo in Germany – who were able to adopt a baby of their own (from a mom who rejected her egg).
And of course there was the happy reminder from NatGeo that in a colony of nearly 250,000, there are “plenty more fish in the sea”…