August told the paper he has been overwhelmed by the support. The fund was begun to raise R50,000… but thanks to an unbelievable outpouring of generosity, the target has been revised several times and is currently at R350,000.
The ‘Everest for August’ fund will see Kuys ‘Everesting’ on 14 May. He explains Everesting on a bicycle as doing a single ride with a total elevation gain of 8848m. “The ride should be done on a single climb and repeated until the height of Everest is reached, there is no time limit to the attempt but the everester/s should not sleep until the total elevation is reached.”

For this fundraiser, Kuys will summit the Steenbras viewpoint climb, Gordon’s Bay, a total of 36 times to achieve the goal.
Many of those donating have left incredibly moving messages that August says have brought him to tears “and get me very emotional”.
Although he is still in some pain, he says he has forgiven the attackers – none of whom have been arrested yet – and feels “optimistic”. He was due to be transferred to Groote Schuur hospital today to begin physiotherapy.
August is still waiting for x-ray results which his doctors are due to deliver tomorrow, confirming whether or not he will be able to walk again.
The money raised will be used for his treatment and as a fund for the future.
Although many friends have donated, August told the Cape Argus “I don’t know most of these people, but they have donated unselfishly and have made me even stronger in the process.”
Kuys has invited everyone to join him for a picnic or even to cycle on 14 May.
Updated 10 May 2016.