A Happy Ending to Township Dog’s Tale
In March this year Mdzananda Animal Clinic in Khaylelitsha, Cape Town, received a distressed message from a community member on Facebook who was concerned about an emaciated pit bull. Clinic staff rushed to the scene where they rescued the scared dog… and her three tiny puppies (of which sadly only one survived). They named the dog […]

In March this year Mdzananda Animal Clinic in Khaylelitsha, Cape Town, received a distressed message from a community member on Facebook who was concerned about an emaciated pit bull.
Clinic staff rushed to the scene where they rescued the scared dog… and her three tiny puppies (of which sadly only one survived).
They named the dog Enzy and watched as she slowly gained weight and confidence. After five weeks she was still struggling… but by three months she was ready.
But no home arrived… until seven months from the date she had been rescued. On the 15th September she was taken by plane to Johannesburg to a perfect home.
“Your happy ending arrived at last special girl,” said Mdzananda Animal Clinic.
Watch Pit Bull dog in South Africa finds her happy ending