Goosebumps! Brave Child Saves Vet’s Life in SA
On Tuesday vet Myra Marais was called out to deep rural Limpopo for a very sick calf… In a Facebook post to Mutale Animal Clinic yesterday, Myra described her heart-stopping experience… ‘It has been raining cats and dogs here in Limpopo, so while I was examining the little calf in knee high mud and shoulder […]

On Tuesday vet Myra Marais was called out to deep rural Limpopo for a very sick calf…
In a Facebook post to Mutale Animal Clinic yesterday, Myra described her heart-stopping experience…
‘It has been raining cats and dogs here in Limpopo, so while I was examining the little calf in knee high mud and shoulder high grass, with the owner trying hard to keep its very protective mother from killing me, the bull decided that he had had enough of me.
‘So this 650kg Brahman Bull comes charging towards me. As you know Brahman’s aren’t to be messed with.
‘Out of the side of me eye comes this tiny little body who runs out and stands right in front of me… between the bull and I.
‘I’m screaming for him to move and he just stands there completely confident, with one hand up.
‘Like a movie the bull skids to a halt and kneels before the little boy…
‘So world, this is 3 year old Wilson and his bull who has full faith and respect in him.
‘I’m lead to believe that they have grown up together and have quite a bond.
‘Needless to say, today I returned with a gift for Wilson – how many sweets is one’s life worth?’
Source: Myra Marais